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Posts posted by saburokreamer

  1. I've only been playing visual novels for about 3 or 4 months now and so far the ones I have played so far (except for a few English freeware short novels) all have H scenes. H scenes don't really turn me on or anything, but I like the fact of knowing that the characters have had sex, to me it makes the story more real. I know when I was 14,15 and 16, I thought of nothing else. But I would be just as happy if they had a scene where they were under the covers and you couldn't see anything, or even if they were behind a closed door.


    So what I want to know is, how does a all ages visual novel like rewrite work? Does it still have romance? Is it like anime romance where you can't even tell their a couple? Or do they have under the cover scenes? I just want to know before I give one a try.


    I read a romance manga the other day and they couple started dating in the 1st volume. At the very end of the final volume they had been going out for 2 years now and they finally decided to have their 1st kiss after dating for 2 years. I just thought bullshit, there not that reserved in Japan.




    VN without sex-scenes always use the plot to sell, so if there are some famous no-sex VN with good reviews, give it a try.

    Like EVER17 for an amazing plot and also some


    under the cover scenes


  2. You need to install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable. Install all of them - 2005, 2008 and 2010, you need them for other games/applications anyway.


    Thanks,Program installed and problem solved.


    Next problem: every time that a voiced character speak, appears ''insert cd'', can be ignored and the voices don't dissapear, but its annoying.There's a FIX Patch?

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