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About Wilhem

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  1. Too bad I already own all the currently released Agarest games (even the one on PSP) otherwise I would have bought these PC releases. Still Agarest games are good and I recommend them to everyone (Maybe not the one on PSP, I didn't really enjoy playing this one plus the art isn't to my taste.).
  2. Thanks to those translating Shin Koihime Musou, I can't wait for it to be released. I'll probably get it Day-One like I did with Koihime Musou (Yeah I did bought the voiceless version of the game since I knew it would at least get an unofficial voice restoration and I was right ^^).
  3. I already own and I've already finished all the three Agarest games on the PS3. Great games if you haven't tried them this might be a good opportunity to do so.
  4. I'm always happy when I see a Majikoi update. Thanks for the news.
  5. I'm also in the minority then. I didn't like Rewrite and I was kinda bored when I read it. It wasn't a bad game but I didn't enjoy reading it. Oh well, to each their own... It just didn't fit my tastes and I see no problem if most see it as a must have read visual novel, it would be boring if every liked or disliked the same things.
  6. I sure hope it"s a troll 'cos right now I'm not feeling really well... I think I need to lay for a while .
  7. @Daeverius: You're sure? Last time I checked the only patch available was Common Route + a partial Elina Patch. If what you say is true I'm going to search for this patch. Edit: @Gerard the Lone Wolf: I had kind of forgot about that. Oh well the translation is around 80% so it's not like I'll have to wait for a year to finish Elina's route and play the rest of the game.
  8. So the whole "12 year old French girls" was the reason for this botched joke of a localization... Weird since they first released this in English. Anyway that's just some dumb reason to justify trying to appeal to broader audience, the only problem I have with this is that they should have localize a VN which was already all-age instead of butchering an eroge... I really don't care about the porn (contrary to what some people could think), I just want to play/read something the way it was meant to be. I hope they'll understand that wanting to turn a 18+ game into a 12+ game is a bad idea and e
  9. Yes it's out of topic... Sorry. As for the translation, they are working on volume 6 and the other released volumes it's just that right now the only translated volumes are 1 to 5. I won't be talking about this anymore, I just wanted to finish what I had started.
  10. If you're interested, you can read the novels at Bakatsuki up to volume 5.
  11. Seeing who your avatar is shouldn't you award some points to Harlequin for his right answer? ^^
  12. Good to know. I'm dying to play this one.
  13. I can think of "Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion Lost Colors" (Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion Lost Colors) but right now it's the only one I can think of.
  14. Someone is translating Jingai Makyo?!? If this get released I'll be quite happy, I love this game.
  15. Wilhem


    Thanks for the answer Harlequin.
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