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Posts posted by Clouddy

  1. awsome, F/HA moved again.


    Btw who is translating F/HA so I can get the most up to date patch?


    The main project head is Ranmafan. Crim linked the only two links I know of for the project.


    I'm also helping out with Beta Testing/QCing the project, since Ran stated that he usually only does minimal QC. I'm not an expert when it comes to grammar, but English is my native language so I can hopefully help get any typos out of the script by the final patch and help re-word sentences so they flow better and are easier to understand. I've already hit some sections with odd wording that I've been unsure of how to re-write and Ran's decided not to touch due to it being the "author's style" (I'm not sure if he meant F/HA's writer or the translator who handled the section), so there's going to be some odd sentencing here and there.

  2. *observing screenshots*


    "Hey, that chick wearing that thing that looks like an army coat looks kinda hot, I wonder if you get to fuck her in the game"


    *opens up hidden screenshots*




    *Notices that said chick is fucking another chick*






    ".......that's....a guy?"


    And now I have newfound respect for Wilfred "fuck-anything-that-moves" Dion who at least looked manly.


    Also, I think aroduc is translating this VN over here 11eyes ~Tsumi to Batsu to Aganai no Shoujo~, better face the truth.





    Rotf, I thought the mc was a chick at first too when I was casually browsing. IT'S A TRAP!

  3. MG progression update today, changes in bold:



    Otoboku: Maidens are falling for me!

    - Translation: 100%

    - CG De-mosaic: 100%

    - Interface image editing: 100%

    - Scripting/Insertion: 100% - Up 70%

    - Beta Testing: Updating alpha build for beta testing



    - Translation: 86% - Up 13%

    - CG De-mosaic: 100%

    - Interface image editing: 0%

    - Scripting/Insertion: 0%

    - Beta Testing:-


    Boob Wars: Big Boobs vs Flat Chests

    - Translation: 100% - Up 45%

    - CG De-mosaic: 100%

    - Interface image editing: 0%

    - Scripting/Insertion: 43% - Up 43%

    - Beta Testing:-


    Slave Witch April

    - Translation: 100%

    - CG De-mosaic: 100% - Up 100%

    - Interface image editing: 100% - Up 100%

    - Scripting/Insertion: 100% - Up 100%

    - Beta Testing: Finish by the End of August


    Orion Heart

    - Translation: 100% - Up 50%

    - CG De-mosaic: 100% - Up 100%

    - Interface image editing: 100% - Up 100%

    - Scripting/Insertion: 0%

    - Beta Testing:-

  4. That's still nowhere near Kamidori Virgin Meister levels.


    But the guy in the link is way beyond Kami.


    He's probably comfortable enough in knowing/thinking he can get chicks despite his interior decorating =P. It's not like he's by any means bad looking, lol.


    So there's a possibility he's just way cocky in his "manliness" and "chick magnetism" lol.


    Or he invites the womens into his room in the pure dark...They'll never know.

  5. I think Saya has been at "99%" long enough. I want my official English copy!


    I know at AX Jast said Saya and Hana are taking so long, even though they're pretty much translated, because they're waiting on Nitro to basically recode the engine/game so it's compatible with today's OS's, since they're older releases. Nitro said as well that dealing with Saya and Hana come second after their Japanese releases (Basically during Nitros free time so to speak...), so pretty much it could happen tomorrow, or not until next year :/. The balls in Nitro's court for those two at least.


    On the bright side though, I'm pretty sure Saya and Hana's coding/engine was used in a lot of their other older releases, so once they fix up the compatibility issues, other releases should go more quickly.

  6. Aroduc's ongoing secret project - 9 Chapters translated


    "Aroduc's new random title is "Immaterial Braves: Ignite!......Sub-title: Moge!", go figure it out lol"

    what the hell was that...? lol

    probably this Material Brave :confused:


    Ooo, an RPG! Don't see a whole ton of those translated. Looks interesting. (Although in the NSFW pic, the blonde girls breasts seem to have grown a few cup sizes from her other screenshots and the cover o_O)


    Edit: Aroduc did Kamidori didn't he?

  7. Jast tweeted about the problems with School Days HQ:




    Do you plan to fix/release a patch for the various many errors/glitches in School Days HQ? Most annoying is full screen not working




    We are currently working on stability and performance issues, including the freezing in fullscreen mode.
  8. Another MG progression update. Changes in bold as usual:


    Boob Wars: Big Boobs vs Flat Chests

    - Translation: 55% - Up 30%

    - CG De-mosaic: 100%

    - Interface image editing: 0%

    - Scripting/Insertion: 0%

    - Beta Testing:-



    SSSS: Super Secret Sexy Spy

    - Translation: 100% - Up 100%

    - CG De-mosaic: 100%

    - Interface image editing: 0%

    - Scripting/Insertion: 0%

    - Beta Testing:-


    Orion Heart

    - Translation: 50% - Up 40%

    - CG De-mosaic: 0%

    - Interface image editing: 0%

    - Scripting/Insertion: 0%

    - Beta Testing:-

  9. It could be several things. First off, did you install the game and try to start it while under Japanese locale? In order to play Japanese release vns, even English patched ones, you need to have your computer set to Jap Locale. The only exception is localized (Official English releases) VNs.


    JP VN's will never start up if you are not in JP locale, and tend to throw an error when you try. It sounds like that is maybe what you are looking at.


    Also, did you run the English patch on the game? Fan-translated VN's have a separate patch for English that you need to run once you've installed the game. Generally, the translator or translation project head posts a quick "how-to" patch instruction guide where you download their patch from.

  10. In case anyone didn't know, TLWiki released a partial of Subahibi. I probably will just wait until the complete patch though.


    Secondly, in the event anyone here actually cares, Togainu no Chi has been completely translated according to vndb. It has a score of 8.6, but you should check the tags before you read just so you know what you're getting yourself into.


    Woot! Can't wait for the DL links to come up for it.


    They all have the same face / statur and hairstylist(differentiate only in length and color)


    A good portion of VN's suffer from sameface =P

  11. Another MG progress update today. Changes in bold:



    Sexy Demon Transformation

    - Translation: 100%

    - CG De-mosaic: 100% - Up 100%

    - Interface image editing: 100%

    - Scripting/Insertion: 100%

    - Beta Testing: Starting soon


    Boob Wars: Big Boobs vs Flat Chests

    - Translation: 25%

    - CG De-mosaic: 100% - Up 100%

    - Interface image editing: 0%

    - Scripting/Insertion: 0%

    - Beta Testing:-


    SSSS: Super Secret Sexy Spy

    - Translation: 0%

    - CG De-mosaic: 100% - Up 100%

    - Interface image editing: 0%

    - Scripting/Insertion: 0%

    - Beta Testing:-

  12. MG progress update again today. Changes in bold:


    Otoboku: Maidens are falling for me!

    - Translation: 100%

    - CG De-mosaic: 100%

    - Interface image editing: 100%

    - Scripting/Insertion: 30% - Up 10% from 7/14

    - Beta Testing: -


    Harukoi Otome

    - Translation: 100%

    - CG De-mosaic: 100%

    - Interface image editing: 100%

    - Scripting/Insertion: 100%

    - Beta Testing: End by September - Changed from Started 7/14



    Slave Witch April

    - Translation: 100% - Up 20% from 7/11

    - CG De-mosaic: 0%

    - Interface image editing: 0%

    - Scripting/Insertion: 0%

    - Beta Testing:-

  13. MG status updated again today, new progression is in bold.


    Otoboku: Maidens are falling for me!

    - Translation: 100%

    - CG De-mosaic: 100%

    - Interface image editing: 100%

    - Scripting/Insertion: 20% - Up 10% from 7/11

    - Beta Testing: -



    - Translation: 73% - Up 3% from 7/11

    - CG De-mosaic: 100%

    - Interface image editing: 0%

    - Scripting/Insertion: 0%

    - Beta Testing:-


    Harukoi Otome

    - Translation: 100%

    - CG De-mosaic: 100%

    - Interface image editing: 100%

    - Scripting/Insertion: 100%

    - Beta Testing: Started - From starting 7/12


    Sexy Demon Transformation

    - Translation: 100%

    - CG De-mosaic: 0%

    - Interface image editing: 100% - Up 10% from 7/11

    - Scripting/Insertion: 100% - Up 10% from 7/11

    - Beta Testing:-

  14. Don't know if this has been posted yet, but MG put up percentages of where they are at certain points on their titles atm, and it looks like they plan to update when they can. (Looks like it hasn't been posted yet from poking around) As of today:


    Otoboku: Maidens are falling for me!

    - Translation: 100%

    - CG De-mosaic: 100%

    - Interface image editing: 100%

    - Scripting/Insertion: 10%

    - Beta Testing: -



    - Translation: 70%

    - CG De-mosaic: 100%

    - Interface image editing: 0%

    - Scripting/Insertion: 0%

    - Beta Testing:-


    Harukoi Otome

    - Translation: 100%

    - CG De-mosaic: 100%

    - Interface image editing: 100%

    - Scripting/Insertion: 80%

    - Beta Testing:-


    Sexy Demon Transformation

    - Translation: 100%

    - CG De-mosaic: 0%

    - Interface image editing: 90%

    - Scripting/Insertion: 90%

    - Beta Testing:-


    Boob Wars: Big Boobs vs Flat Chests

    - Translation: 25%

    - CG De-mosaic: 0%

    - Interface image editing: 0%

    - Scripting/Insertion: 0%

    - Beta Testing:-


    SSSS: Super Secret Sexy Spy

    - Translation: 0%

    - CG De-mosaic: 0%

    - Interface image editing: 0%

    - Scripting/Insertion: 0%

    - Beta Testing:-


    Slave Witch April

    - Translation: 80%

    - CG De-mosaic: 0%

    - Interface image editing: 0%

    - Scripting/Insertion: 0%

    - Beta Testing:-


    Orion Heart

    - Translation: 10%

    - CG De-mosaic: 0%

    - Interface image editing: 0%

    - Scripting/Insertion: 0%

    - Beta Testing:-

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