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Posts posted by Clouddy

  1. Strange thing that I can't see any news on Kikokugai since, maybe, it's announcement.

    Also thanks about the news on the other titles, Clouddy.


    Yeah, that bit was about as much as I could find as to whats going on with Nitro's titles/why a few are translated but taking so long for release. Wish I could give you some information on Kikokugai! I'll keep looking and asking around though, since I'm curious myself.

  2. is the erogegames download link for school days there? or am i just being oblivious xD


    Partial translation (4 out of 6 chapters) is up, but it's the original, not the HQ version.


    HQ version from Jast has yet to be uploaded, and from what I'm understanding from some comments/posts, most people (if not all) haven't gotten their hard copy pre-orders yet. So you can dl and play most of the original release, but it's going to be a while longer on the HQ version.

  3. I found this bit about Jast's Nitro+ game talk at the panel:


    Two of the announced Nitro+ games Saya no Uta (a psychological horror themed game featuring Hikaru Midorikawa playing the lead character) and Hanachirasu (an alternate history samurai game) have their translations finished but are being worked on by Nitro+ itself so as to ensure the release is compatible with today’s computers since those two are older releases. This will probably take a while since Nitro+’s first priorities will be their at home releases in Japan. Another Nitro+ game, Sumaga, however is being worked on by JAST and may release at the end of the year (though that’s a very big “may”). The last of the Nitro+ games for English license, Outlaw Django (a western style game featuring cowgirl elves (definitely looking forward to this) is still being translated. Finally, the rumors of a Steins;Gate localization have proven to just be rumors.

  4. i know....but will they only translate nexton games or it's subsidiary like baseson, liquid or tactics games?


    Are you asking if MG will only translate games from the main brand Nexton, or if they are only translating it's subsidiaries?



    I haven't seen any games really released labeled as NEXTON, usually their titles are under one of their brand names. So, obviously any Nexton releases will be only from one of their brand/subsidiaries because well...NEXTON itself doesn't have any releases. At this moment, the only Nexton brands MG hasn't released a game of are Galactica (Which is fairly new and only has one release so far), Latte (Formerly Tactics*Latte), Lusterise, Luxury (Which is new, first game just came out last week), Nomad, and Spice (Which is kind of a part of Baseson, and appears to be BL). Portions first MG release is in this new announced batch.

  5. MangaGamer isn't the only company with updates, the new VNTS thread will be created tonight after I come back from work as always. If some news on MangaGamer or JAST come up, the "Edit" button is there, so no problem.


    I figured as much, but I wanted to check. I have a friend who will probably be going to the MG panel for me, and so I was hoping the regular updates wern't going to be delayed for that panel :p. I'll be sure to post up what MG news he sends me after panel.

  6. Well, if a torrent does come up I'll probably help seed it. Already have the hard copy coming in the mail, but I usually get around 200-500 KB/s(or sometimes 3-4MB/s) upload for some things.


    Same. I have a pretty good connection and I can usually download at about 300KB/s while uploading 200KB/s at the same time. I'm a patient person, so I don't have an upload speed cap on my torrent. I usually torrent it up at night too though, so it's never an issue. Although sometimes I forget to pull my torrent back up on some nights =P. I'll probably be waiting to help seed/download SD's until I get an external drive though cause atm, 30ish GBs (To house both the download and actual installed game at once) is pretty much impossible to get cleared on my HD atm without deleting precious programs D=

  7. While I don't really play VN's for the h-scenes, I don't care too much if it's censored or uncensored. I prefer uncensored, just because mosiac makes me want to see what's actually going on under those pixels ( I have a good imagination but yeah lol)....But lately, I've noticed pretty much most uncensored h-cg's are...scary looking. From a female perspective, sometimes the chick's pussy's make me wonder if the artist's have even really actually looked at one and the dicks....scare me, and if some men in real life actually have dicks that look like that, I hope I never hook up with a guy with "eroge VN dick" xD. But mosiac or not wouldn't stop me from reading what looks like a good VN.


    I do semi understand though why most uncensored h-cg's suck though. I've heard quite a lot that most artist's don't expect to ever have their work uncensored or circulating outside of Japan, so they tend to quick draw genitalia since it'l be censored anyway, and focus their time/efforts on the rest of the image.

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