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Posts posted by Harlequin

  1. So... the game won't come out if the kickstarter fails, right? That's how it works? Yet the translation is basically done already, considering their planned release date. Just feels weird that nothing would come of it because of a fucking kickstarter.



    Too bad I'm not rich. I'd throw in $7000 if I was. Probably gonna upgrade my pledge to some extent later though. I need Root Double.

  2. (JAST DevLog — Why....)



    Just finished a meeting on how to deal with Shiny Days. Kind of a roller coaster. What I was dreading has happened.. we need to extend the delay.




    Since we have a pretty tiny staff, getting through the final motions of releasing this game has been a challenge. I just wanted to say sorry to all the people who have been anticipating this game, we’re really doing our best to get it out.


    To address a few specific points:


    The game has been mastered; it should be duplicating. The printed materials are done (AFAIK). However, we can’t help it if something holds up duplication. which really sucks. It’ll take at least another week to finish and I was given the estimate of the 30th.


    As for the download, we could “just release” it as many people have asked for. The biggest problem is that it’s a 16 gb installer, it’s huge; so when we cut it up into 1-3gb chunks to stitch together to make a working installer, if one of those parts is bad, it’s not going to work… Getting an installer that will check and tell you when something is not right and tell you specifically what part you need to redownload will save you guys and us some time and bandwidth, and hopefully we can use the installer model we’re building to apply to some of our other and future games, so in the long run for us it’ll be worth it, but the average fan just wants their game- and I totally agree, you should have it, but it should be as painless an install as possible. Just setting out a minimal installer and hoping people can figure it out while the 2.5 of us try to deal with the loads of problem/question tickets is not the way to go imo.


    Also, pushing a DL install to everyone will probably increase server load which slows everyone down (I’m not sure how many of you actually instal from the dvd but if there were 1000 less people downloading the files, it’s likely that it’ll go a little faster.


    I’m personally tired of making excuses for why this game can’t get out the door, I’m actually a huge “Days” game fan and it’s just painful for me to be on this side even trying to get all this to go. I hope this is the last time I have to write about how something is not working the way we want it too and that the next post for Shiny Days will be because it is ready for everyone to play.



    Hit my ask if you have any questions or want to talk,



  3. Shiny Days




    They were making some special installer for the digital version to make the download process smoother, according to their blog, and that's why it's taking time. But the game itself is already complete and ready as far as I know, and it's the 18th tomorrow... so will the physical version perhaps ship earlier than the digital version will be available? Unless the digital version comes out today or tomorrow. Oh well.

  4. 15 minutes into The Nameless Game and I'm already too creeped out to continue. It's not even nighttime right now.


    [spoiler=Explanation, spoilers (minor?) of the first minutes of the game, all the boxes]- The student protagonist, you, have acquired a "TS" (A Nintendo DS).


    - You have an oldschool RPG game on your TS.


    - You hear rumours about the game from a female friend at your university. Apparently if you play the game, 7 days later you will die.


    - The female friend tells you that her boyfriend has also been playing the game, and hasn't been around for classes for a week.


    - She wants you to go check up on him.


    - You go to his flat. Now the game (not the RPG) is in first person mode. You get to control the camera and movement, though it's wonky and slow.












    - You call for him, but there's no response. You close the door and ponder on what to do now.


    - You hear a running/jogging sound coming from inside the apartment, getting closer and closer. The door unlocks. Then whoever is inside runs away from the door.


    - You go inside.






    - There's a constant atmospheric, creepy and windy sound in the hallway. Also, the sound of a malfunctioning light in the distance, or something similar.


    - I'm fucking done.




    Almost the exact same thing happened when I tried to play Amnesia myself when that came out in 2010. I cannot handle walking into extremely foreboding and very dark hallways/rooms/houses/other places. It must be one of my biggest fears.


    Oh, and I was playing this with headphones, loud volume. Made a huge difference.

  5. Hey I just started downloading Eroge! ~H mo Game mo Kaihatsu Zanmai~ and was wondering if it is normal for all downloads to have the same contents when extracted.

    I have extracted each file now 6/12 and am noticing that the contents are just all "pac" folders with vo.ypf and other .ypf files inside of them.

    I haven't noticed an install game feature in them now and am just worried that they aren't downloaded correctly or if the download is broken.

    I have yet to download the rest of the parts but just want to know if I am wasting my time on a broken link or am doing something wrong.

    For the ones I have downloaded, I just download them, Move them to another place and extract the contents from the download.

    If anyone knows hmu please.


    That is normal. Just download all the parts, put them in the same folder, then extract the first one. Done.

  6. wait, sis jast just released a game on time??



    Since they announced a very specific release date for it, it makes sense.


    I hope that holds up for their Shiny Days release too (2015-08-25), 'cause then I can download that 17gb behemoth with my current internet connection.

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