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Uzuki Sepia

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Posts posted by Uzuki Sepia

  1. War of the Human Tanks was a weird one, I wasn't even disliking it despite... almost everything aside the gameplay, very funny imo (fucking cats aside, I probably tried 20-30 times and wasn't able to kill more than 3-4 of them).



    Started I/O some time ago but got my first ending (A) just now. I'm not displeased with what I've seen so far, I don't find it compelling but it's not boring either. Can't say much about the story since it's still the beginning, but the music was ok and the tachie are very, very good while the backgrounds are kinda poor. I appreciated the fact that Sakuya managed the usual routine without getting on my nerves and the first few hours for somehow reminding me of good stuff.

    There's something that bugged me in what

    Mutsuki wrote about Enlil/Izumo Tsukasa, especially because if I'm not wrong it clashes with something stated during the first half of the route

    , but I'm tired atm so I hope I'm not getting something wrong for no reason.

  2. (Subahibi went up? Is this really nothing but a butterfly's dream?)



    I came across a tl project I had never heard of before (might fairly new, dunno), could interest someone: it's for Hatsukoi 1/1.

    Also, seems like the status of Lily Platinum is the same of Amakute Otona no Torokeru Chuu, nice news on my book since Tenshi no Hanabira Zome imo was by far the best of the series.

  3. well, it shares charecter with Sengoku Rance, i think rance is in the picture there


    He looks like him but it's Eiyuu*Senki's protagonist. I read that the only shared character is Uesugi Kenshin (as bonus character).



    It reminds me more of Koihime Musou/Rance Quest than Sengoku Rance.

  4. As far as i know Seinarukana happens after first game, we have a new hero and company but we meet a previous protagonist daughter and at least 1 character that was in Aselia. So probably you dont have to read it but if possible do it. I really enjoyed it and all the routes it has. Think of it as of Kamidori that has worse gameplay but MUCH better story and character interactions.


    I've been hesitant to play it for a long time now; I don't have any reason to think I won't like it (usually I see fairly good opinions about the story and mixed ones about the gameplay, which looks good to me since I ask little out of the gameplay part of the novels I play either way, Koihime aside I enjoyed even the minigames in Sharnoth that people seem to dislike en masse) but the lacks of an entire route bugs me. It might be just an evil route and it might be replaced with a new one, but it's still a route and so feels a "too big to overlook" change of contents to me.


    I'm not dead set on not playing it, more like I procrastinated the decision.

  5. *Unpopular Opinion Puffin*

    I really didn't like Steins; Gate... Which is strange because I loved BRS, Darker than Black, Evangelion, FSN, and Death note / Code Geass...


    Not like most of those titles have anything to do with the others, beside being popular.

    Supposing that you were talking about the anime, if your problem wasn't with the characters you should read the novel; the narration is excellent, aside for the -short- chara's routes that are plenty avoidable.


    I didn't go head over heels for the anime but had a blast with the novel.



    Does someone know if one has to read Aselia before reading Seinarukana? Is their relation something like WAB installments or is it more of a sequel?

  6. Seems that another Air beta came out a few days ago and that the other project is going to release their own soon.

    Also, if I'm not mistaken Koichoco got a hell of an update since last week (more than usual), the guy/people that are working on it are, overall, going fast as hell since it should be a pretty long game too. Hope for quality to be on pair with his/their swiftness, though I'm not that interested in the game itself since looking a bit better into it the art (that for me was the selling point, the anime was more than forgettable) it's not actually as good as I initially thought it to be.

    I'm also happy for Tokeijikake no Ley Line and Fata Morgana no Yakata, I was reading about this one on vndb and looks promising.

    I'm obviously happy for Cartagra too.



    That said, is it true that Mahoyo is kind of scheduled for next month?

  7. Do you mean this one from MGQ2?





    Or this one?





    Either way I thought that whole last bit was really moving. It was the scene where I realized that I actually cared about the characters and what happened to them despite the games premise. Never saw that coming.


    Yes, it was the second one, thanks a lot! (maybe that and the lines after that, but that was the moment I was talking about).


    Also, while playing it I thought the same thing.



    edit: thanks to that screenshot I found out that one save was actually shortly before it

    [(since there's Ilias with that background; I was under the impression that it was something that happened just before the h-scene with Alice in human form, after Lazarus' scene)

    , that's the full quote



    ["Even Alice's mother couldn't escape from that belief.

    Tragedy after tragedy, kept going by the belief that we simply must fight...


    I understand. In that case...


    I've been doubting it all this time.

    My faith and my ideals don't match up.


    I kept trying to twist my faith... to push it down inside me.

    All the while, I overlooked the contradictions surrounding me...




    Ilias... you...

    You're the main obstacle blocking peace!"


  8. About MGQ 2, does someone happen to have the the quote/screenshot of the moment in which

    [Luka realizes that his faith and beliefs don't match up anymore? I just have a couple of saves and I'm afraid that while it was toward the end both are past that point.

    Imo that was the best moment of the best part of the entire trilogy.


    I played MGQ fairly recently and my opinions about it are kinda conflictual... I might eventually write a post about it, since it could probably be useful for me too.


    And this one probably has already been posted but whatever


    Kana, 5th ending



    ["Today, I saw the ocean. I'm not afraid anymore."


  9. Imo there are eroge with h-scenes that aren't there just to "appeal to the target"; among those I've read and liked there are Sharnoth

    [where, for example, Moran's scene are a good example of sex as palliative for loneliness and the sadness she feels because of her one-sided love -but for real, not the usual sorry excuse for a bit of cheap porn-

    , MLA

    [with Sumika's rape scene; the tentacle rape thing was pretty convenient but that monologue was touching, that moment of self-deprecation earned Sumika a lot of points in my eyes

    and I think that Forest deserves a mention as well (at least for THAT one).


    That said, I've more or less read the first page and agree.

  10. Period



    I have to say that after Tsuzumi's route I'm enjoying this a bit more and that my random order (I started with "godawesome plot device" Yukina) didn't help; from what I've read so far starting with Tsuzumi would have been the best choice for me.

    I still haven't come to terms with their faces -only the sprites, the CGs are fine and so is the overall quality, though from this pov Quartett!, that's short but almost a decade old, was downright excellent- and going by the japanese dialogues and the tl (the punctuation) this novel wasn't peculiar only for the art, in a way that doesn't go too well with me even if, admittedly, the way things are phrased overall is pretty good.

    It's still a work in progress (I should have read roughly the 70% of the game) but the impression is that it wasn't my cup of tea.

  11. I'm also confused.. this guys asking for suggestions, not your massive lectures which you're using to show your undying love for each other.


    One day, seeing how he does write always in blue, I'll use red and then there will be gold too. It's going to be even more entertaining.



    Also, to the guy who asked for suggestions: S;G, Utawarerumono, KnS or YU-NO (don't snob it just because is old -like I did for some time-, it's pretty damn good).


    Hey, I at least gives a lot of suggestions, unlike the person above you who is butthurt because I said Saya's doesn't have good development. xD


    In the meantime I remembered, see? :D


    Though with all these suggestions he had already a lot of choices.

  12. The spoiler comment was about the post immediately before the post where he said it.





    [Love is mentioned in Ougai's papers. It's in the end after Saya transforms the world when the doctor is putting his papers together and it tells the full story of Saya coming to this world and her time together with Ougai. Saya says that she transformed Yoh because she wanted to give Fuminori a family (and Yoh is the pet). They discuss right after she does it about how she's just a pet and Saya wants him to have sex with Yoh, but to give all his semen to Saya.



    [My fault, I didn't remember there was a second part. But as you can see in the images alexismaster posted, he states that she wasn't able to share love with a human and only with Fuminori she was able to. You said at a certain point in your second post "But in learning about them she learns about love and trying to understand love is what makes her human.", while I say that he humanization lays in the fact that she was able to love Fuminori (she fails/she succeeds).


    And this (just to say that it was stated, I know that what you say is also there).






    Just to be clear, I do liked Saya because she's a cute loli-waifu, but that's a different story.




    Since the mad guy who talk to fairies brought up SB, I guess I should post what I wrote in there, just because.

    [spoiler=Saya]The shouts are from bottom to top, if you haven't realize it already. :p








    Does that short summary of the story tell us anything about Saya's character development?

    Does it says that the execution of Saya's character development was done well?

    Does it tell us that the story achieved what it was trying to tell its audience through Saya's character?

    What are you trying to prove with that, guy who talk to fairies?





    Wow, this is so bad it's actually unbelievable. Let's just pretend that he is completely right about the scenes, how it occurs, the reasons why it happened, its relations with Saya's character development, and end this. :p


    Woah, what a character development, gyafun~~~ Saya's best character 10/10!!! :o



    "except being in love, which is also part of her nature as the species breeder" is utterly wrong. To be in love is something human, she is basically like an animal that does it just to procreate.

    Also, the short summary was there to prove that I didn't spoil anything because I wrote what you could find in a synopsys, other than to correct your misconceptions, starting from when you go lol about the humanization of the moster.

    Also, you are that's so bad that's actually unbelievable, unable to understand when she drink his stuff her purposes and when she want to monopolize him because she's jealous. No difference between what moves her offering of experimenting to restore his mind and when she proposes it in the end (if she loved him she wouldn't have been joking about the possibility of restoring his mind in the beginning because in the moment he is back to normal she would have lost him), and so on. No wonder you don't see development in Saya's character (and that would more or less answer to Dan too, though being that he doesen't discuss like a girl during her period I wouldn't put it in these terms).


  13. Good job spoiling people I guess (Granted, when it comes to Saya no uta, I consider everything plot-related as spoiler), and misunderstood the SB context along with it.


    I didn't spoil anything and what you consider spoiler is of no importance if it isn't. Also, while I checked the thing out after 2 years, look at what I found written in the patch readme as "game overview"


    "It is the story of one Sakisaka Fuminori, a man who received the curse of

    perceiving this world and its inhabitants as monstrous; it is the story of Saya,

    the single girl whom Fuminori recognized as human. It is a story about how Fuminori

    lost his humanity and how Saya gained hers. But, most importantly, it is a story

    about love - a love which defiles the world."


    Glad that at least the guy who translated it understood the obvious.






    [Love insn't mentioned in Ougai's papers, she learns it (progressively) with Fuminori. If it wasn't the case near the end you wouldn't have stuff such as a Saya that in a first moment, knowing that Yoh liked Fuminori, changes Yoh's body in order to "give her a body that could be loved by him" (making him a present -that he didn't need, she was more like an experiment with which he might as well play with-, though she does other stuff such as offering to take on Kouji by herself putting his safety ahead of her own) followed by a change of mind with a jealous Saya that want to monopolize him (end of the last h-scene).


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