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Everything posted by tosla

  1. That is good to hear... I wish you good luck for your project.
  2. Go go nippon is now available at steam... Hopefully Mangagamer start selling other VNs there as well.
  3. Sounds good, I have been waiting for Yoake to be finished... However seeing that there is quite many routes and QC is only about half done - I think it will take months still.
  4. Majikoi S has a Agave after that branches to Yuki and Tatsuko, if I remember right... Majikoi A contains sequals to routes in Majikoi S and completely new routes like Benkei and Sayaka.
  5. I should have remembered that... There were indeed routes that weren't as tear jerking as most of the Key stuff even though most (all) of the routes were really dark.
  6. A Key VN without tear shedding exists? What sorcery is this.
  7. Mysterious update from wairu... Anyway I am really excited that mg is going to translate Really! Really! and Da Capo 3. my thoughts exactly.
  8. I am not sure whether this has been mentioned here but according to Roguetranslations - MGQ 3 is the last VN he will translate...
  9. This would be a great thing, but I won't get my hopes up... After the last statusupdate, Miyako's route was 85% translated... I think that is enough for one to say "almost there". But let's keep our fingers crossed that we can get some Miyako goodness within the next couple of months.
  10. Majikoi A and Yandere patch... This is a good week... Also FH/A is moving again? Yes.
  11. I don't think Pun-kun dares to be epic troll after all that negative feedback...
  12. I won the game with touchpad too (Roboko had some really hard stages)... Anyway, is there anything else different in NG+ than keeping your status from last game?
  13. This is one of the games that I have been looking forward to... Well, we shall see how this translation project goes.
  14. Current translation status of Majikoi S/A
  15. But where is my Majikoi S update? Anyway... Like the rest of Majikoi games, I am also looking forward to see Majikoi A translated.
  16. My bad... I just had woke up when I wrote the comment.
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