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Posts posted by IllyrioM

  1. I thought the smileys here were a little too few and so i was bored and 'made' a couple of these and then ended up doing a bunch.




    They're all VN/eroge related, here's an individual one for testing: http://i49.tinypic.com/4r9lsi.png


    What do you people think?


    Heh, well that was fun to read. It's a shame I don't have nearly as much to say about these things as you do (just how I am, sorry). But as for the "epicness" stuff that they put in at the end... It could've been something else, sure. Much of it could've been something else. But it wasn't, so whatever.



    Of course, i agree, but i was mostly refering to the 'shot full speed from the machine' thingy, it didn't make any sense.




    It sure seems to differ a lot between people whether they liked the true route and its ending or not. I'm fine with that. But I loved it to bits myself anyway, as you know. It was rushed though I thought. The finale, that is. You get the extremely heavy conversations and crazy revelations with Ayumi and Eriko, then the confrontation with Ryu, and shortly thereafter it's pretty much over. It would've been nicer to me if it had kept going for a while longer before the Adam and Eve ending occurs, with more moments involving Eriko and Ryu, as well as other characters... in some way. In other words, yes, I thought the VN should've been even longer.



    Oh i also liked it, and i agree with pretty much everything you're saying here.




    Oh, and it's "Vrinda's Tree" by the way! ^^



    Right, that, thanks.




    Nope, never did the new game+ happy endings. I figured that they wouldn't be crucial or anything. It sounds pretty bad though from what you're saying, which is a shame. It would've been nice if they were proper after stories, for the sake of those wanting a satisfying ending with their favourite heroine character.


    It's true, when you go for the true route it's all about Yu-No pretty much. But that's just how it is. I didn't mind it personally though. Each to his own!



    Yes, alas, it is not.


    And sure, like i said i also liked it, i wouldn't be saying that everyone should play this if i didn't... heh, it's precisely because i like it that much that i go deep into it's criticism and details, i wouldn't care to do that for some fap material nukige or some light comedy (even though i have no problem with such).


    If you've never played it and wanna try some other good oldie VN, try 'Divi-Dead'; it's nowhere near as good as YU-NO and the translation can be less than stellar at parts (even for someone that doesn't know squat of japanese, like myself), but it's still a fun mystery VN with a couple of nice moments there.


  3. Very nice review, and spoiler free (no small feat with this VN i believe) but now i'm gonna bugger you with spoiler spoilery discussion, heh.


    About the ending:



    I guess some people don't like it that much because it was a bit too much of a change from the elaborate sci-fi stuff (which included many long explanations and even some formulated theories throughout the game) into the realm of mythos, with the Adam and Eve and Tree of Life (or whatever something) direct references at the very end. It was a nice conclusion yes, but it was also kinda weak for that. In the end it was just too massive implications (the unknown first place as Eriko calls it), more than they could chew in my opinion, so the mythos stuff became necessary... It's worth mentioning that it didn't have to be that way though (the YU-NO getting shot out of the Dela Grantia control machine full speed to the past thingy just came out of nowhere in that Eriko dialog at the climax and it didn't make much, or any, sense to me as to why), and they just pulled that at the end for more 'epicness' or something.


    The blood related incest with YU-NO i didn't like... what was the point of that? couldn't the emotional connection with the character be established (as it was, and be enough) with her being the protag's daughter and the whole process with her growing up, the mother tragedy, the desert travel, her abduction and the guy's imprisonment, etc, etc? i saw no point whatsoever in that; except for possibly helping set up the Adam and Eve mythos thing in an even more 'physical' and 'tangible' or 'historical/realistic' matter at the end (which is completely ridiculous of course, from a historical point of view, and ironic, considering the game's emphasis on history and it's matters... the simple image of both of them naked near the tree on the newly realized world was just enough to conjure up the image as well).


    As for the Kanna character, she was just a 'bit' unrealistic and it seems like many things were left unsaid or unresolved on her route... As for the incest with Kanna i didn't care about that much because it's not something that gets revealed until the end...


    Speaking of which, and here comes one, or perhaps my main 'gripe' or source of dissatisfaction: have you seen the new game extra+ route endings (the ones that come up when you play the routes of the first half again after seeing the true ending)?... they're very unsatisfaying of course, because the character doesn't know anything and it's just like you're re-playing the whole thing again only that it nonsensically offers you some short end with each lady and that's it. Ok, so far so good, just some extra thingy that doesn't make much sense in the full story (given the importance of YU-NO at the very begining when she saves the MC's life and puts him on the journey by activating the device before dying and disapearing), right? i mean, how could there be such endings without the character going through the whole thing right?... BUT, here's the kicker: while nothing much happens to suggest such knowledge from the main character in both Ayumi and Mio's extra endings, in Kanna's ending: HE REMEMBERS AMANDA!! and comments on the possibility of Kanna being his daughter!! i mean, WTF?! (which leads me to believe they were planning some truly 'after' stories but were unable to do so for one reason or another and just wrapped the whole thing quick... talk about incompletion).


    Another reason i didn't like the YU-NO incest and the linearity at the second half and ending is the fact that it makes the original routes in the first half in regards to the girls of those routes pretty much for nothing / in vain; the game just dumped YU-NO on the MC as his woman and your choice of girl on the first half is for naught... they even kill Ayumi at the climax! nooooooo!... heh, might as well just make the original routes "non-girl dependant" if you're gonna pull that off in the secondf half of your game, no?



    I can think of a few more things to say on this but this post maybe getting too wall-o-texty already. Later.

  4. YU-NO. Damn, what a long journey that was! And wow, so many turns it took. It felt like that at least. It's like the VN started out being one thing, then went on to being something else, and so on.


    I'm very impressed. It's a grand story alright, with a really good feel to it. Plenty of mysteries and drama. And SCIENCE! Excellent characters... well, some of them in particular.


    Loved the point-and-click gameplay. Clicking on the stuff you specifically want to know more about... yes, that was fun. It added more detail to the VN in general.


    Well, I'll just leave it at that for now. Need to gather my thoughts about it some more and most likely write about it properly later. Adieu!


    Nice! I started writing a review but kinda abandoned it halfway through... now how about we work out a joint review or something? let me know. :)

  5. Because playing routes of heroines you can't stand is not enjoyable?!


    Yeah, you forgot the 'exclusively' part there. Also, you should read what i was replying to and the reply to it as well. Basically: one route, every time, for every VN, in order to get them 'done' more 'efficiently' because they 'drag on'.... might as well just watch other media instead of VN's like that.


    I don't know, w/e, seems pretty retarded to me.

  6. even so...

    its gonna be a sad thing to read the sequel without actually enjoying the first~~~



    Hopefully (if and) when this sequel gets fully translated its translator(s) could be inspired/enticed/arsed to take on the prequel and finish it with a big enough critical mass of begging/nagging/ass kissing or something.

  7. YU-NO - The Girl that Chants Love at the Edge of the World


    So, let's find out how good this VN is then! Who knows, maybe it'll turn out to be one of my favourites in the end... I'm hoping for that, obviously. But it's got some tough competition to say the least.


    I don't know if you started playing it already or how far into it you are, but a couple of pointers/recommendations if you will:


    - Do not even try to play this without using a walkthrough (seriously), in fact, use two: the text walkthrough and the walkthrough map. The map looks very daunting at first, but if you follow the text walkthough exactly and check the map as well, you'll make sense of how it all works in a short time and realize both are very useful from beginning to end. Also, yes, follow the text walkthrough exact order of routes and everything (the one(s) who wrote it claims there at the introduction that it is recommended for both better progress and story development/comprehension and i completely agree).


    - I don't even know if this game has the capacity to be run at full screen, but given it's age and resolution don't try it; would look pretty bad as opposed to nice and adequate in a window (though this may seem rather obvious i say it because some people can't into playing something in a window).


    - When you reach the second half of the game (incorrectly called by walkthroughs 'the epilogue') just hang in there, it gets quite, quite better later.


    That's it i think, if you have some questions feel free to ask as i still have it fresh in my head.

  8. No.


    So, you'd prefer a blocky pixelated/blurry clusterfuck area that further breaks the fourth wall and screams 'censored!!' in your face instead of a lower quality area in a CG?




    @Gerard the Lone Wolf


    Your example is truly horrible, when i said 'even if poorly drawn' i wasn't thinking of anything near that level of awefulness for 'poorly drawn'. Fortunately, i haven't encountered such a thing.


    @All those saying they don't care because the story and this and that and blabla:


    Nice and all, but nothing to do with the topic of the thread.

  9. I had many troubles with the music as well, but i ended up using this 'trick' i read somewhere; that when the game starts to get laggy you click on the X to close the window/game and then cancel it, the music then loads fine for a while... i played with my mouse cursor just on the X and when a change of scene came (and therefore and obvious change in the BGM track) i applied the above trick. It's a bit more troublesome when the change in track happens in the middle of scene (coinciding with a change of mood in the particular scene, like a normal conversation having a turn to the comedic or romantic) but it's still 'workable'. Not an ideal solution, of course, but i found it better than to play with no music.

  10. I prefer sad endings/ending that are different than the norm. I don't like "happily-ever-after" disney style. lolol


    To each his/her own of course, but that little part there about 'different than the norm' is incorrect: the typical tropes used to create 'sad endings' are quite common and quite old as well. Plenty of them used on VN's and all sorts of media.


    Here's an old, super commonly used/done one; creating an emotional connection between the audience and a prominent character throughout the story and have that character killed, mostly in a dramatic fashion, at the last scene nearing the end (at the height of conflict resolution or 'climax'), therefore creating greater impact and furthering the sense of 'loss' the audience member experiences at the conclusion of the piece.

  11. Heh, was planning to make a review of this myself since i played it recently but you've beat me to it. No matter though, as your review is quite good and i agree with pretty much everything. The only thing i would add/say is that the game can be quite the stubborn bastard when it comes to the music, not it's quality mind you, on that i agree with your assessment, but to the getting it to play properly part.

  12. Saving that one for a bit later :p Heard it's a fairly complicated read, so I was saving it until I got a couple more VNs under my belt. I'm assuming some people get turned off because of the art/old school style.


    It's a bit of a complex story, sure, but it's not really a complicated read (and i'm not saying this out of some dumb smugness or anything), it's just perhaps the absolute need to follow a walkthrough (or two) for the first half of the game.


    Pretty long though... and i dare say it should've been even longer in some parts, especially at the extra 'new game+' endings, feels a bit incomplete there, like certain 'finale' implications are not taken into account properly, but i guess that should have required some other extra stuff put in the initial routes, and i guess the makers run out of money or time or something for it... now, the proper realising of those implications + what i read somewhere that they originally intended to make the second half play like the first one, and the resulting sheer scope and vastness of what they had intended with it is just mind boggling. Heh.


    The art is actually pretty nice for it's age, lots of very good CG's and the sprites aren't half bad at all considering the limited palette and resources they had to work with.

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