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Download Comments posted by Crazyboy

  1. 1 hour ago, Outpost Omega J said:

    Can VN makers/authors PLEASE step AWAY from the blood-related incest? Just make it adopted sibling at birth or step siblings and it would be fine in fiction (still wouldn't be fine in real life).

    That won't happen, incest sell really well.

  2. Normally I wouldn't touch this kind of VN, it look like the kind of VN where the developers tried to pack everything they could in the VN, but I really love the art and this being a RPG also make me want to give it a try. I most likely will end up being annoyed and quit within an hour though XD

    Edit: Didn't even last 5 minute, barely 3 minutes in there's already a sex scene with a loli, not something I am really interested in seeing, even less so when it's so earlier, it doesn't bode well for what's coming.

  3. 9 hours ago, Black_Lotus said:

    NANI!? Not hentai!? Then what's the uncensored tag for?

    No idea, I don't even know why this game is here to begin with, did they start posting non hentai games here?

  4. 4 hours ago, Black_Lotus said:

    only 81 MB. First time I see JRPG game this small. How long is the gameplay?

    30-40 hours usually, this game along pretty much any other game made by Kemco are made to look like super nes games, I guess you could say modern super nes game, so they are bigger than old super nes games, by a dozen times or so, but are still fairly small because back in the days super nes game rarely were bigger than 3mb.

  5. Most nukiges are of low quality though; with nearly non-existent plot and/or way too ridiculous plot, not to mention H scenes in most VNs are kinda bad anyway. The only "high quality" nukige I could think of is Rondo Duo; and this is coming from a guy who hates futanari.


    Expecting good plot from a nukige would be like expecting good plot from a porn movie. The aim of both is to show sex scene, not having a great story, the story is usually only there to enhance the sex scene. That doesn't make them low quality though, just not what you are looking for.

  6. well, it's a nukige...


    Huh? What do it being a nukige have anything to do with it being bad? Seriously that's a really ridiculous way of thinking O.O... The reason i said it was bad isn't because it's a nukige, but because little to no effort was put in making this novel.

  7. When I said school, I meant college. It's not like they block porn. It's just shitty internet, meaning it just takes forever to download on. Didn't think this would turn into a whole thing.


    Welcome to the internet where anything you say can spark a huge conversation. When it's on a more active chat it can evolve into completely new subjects after a few comments and then end up on a subject that have absolutely nothing to do with the first subject XD

  8. Just a heads up. Don't dl this if you hate tsunderes or generaly don't enjoy all the heroines verbaly abusing the main character for absolutly no reason. If your cool with all that, have fun. I know I didn't -_-


    Yeah i wish i had known that before downloading this VN, but now it's too late i hate to not finish what i start.

  9. Here a walkthrough i made if anyone is interested. This VN is really easy even without walkthrough though.

    The choices typo aren't mine, i writed it the exact same way it's writed in the english patch, so all typo are ingame typo.


    Yukawa Ryou

    It might be something important again. Check it.

    Move forward

    Keep my mouth shut.

    Save 1


    Honesty is golden.

    Save 2

    Watch her leave

    Help out with Ryou''s work too.'

    I"m the one displeased here.'

    For a bout? Are we gonna fight or something?

    Well, yeah but...

    Ryou End


    Yanagise Eika

    Load save 2

    Grab her arm


    Open the message.

    Eika End


    Yourou Tsumugu

    Load save 1


    Save 3

    Go shopping with Tsugumu.

    Tsugumu End


    Onigase Tane

    Load save 3

    Carry her bags? No thank you.

    Tane End

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