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Posts posted by RJei

  1. Yes, I've seen misshaped looking dicks a few times and I have no idea why they draw them like that when everything else is drawn beautifully... Every characters' body proportions are drawn in the right places like you're taught in art class but you get to a sex scene and somehow they don't draw dicks right (can anyone find out about this? lol) and the contradiction between the drawings and the dialogue... I dont care, still would rather look at a complete pussy instead of mosaics over it. lol :D

  2. Shioon.jpg


    I don't feel like Shioon needs to get his kii now, since I want this manhwa to be as long as possible without really getting derailed from the whole plot, the reason being theres not much good action/shounen mangas right now that I know of...

  3. Another good episode as usual, last couple episodes we've seen Ayumu's harem get romantically serious all of a sudden and tension has been high romance-wise as well as the suspense since were nearing (or at) the climax. This really should be a 24 episode run and not just 12 :(.

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