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Everything posted by Hariel

  1. iLoveTsundere and desi I bow deeply to your assistance and thank you. You have no idea how much your help means to me and I hope in the future if you need help there are people willing to assist you. Also, the tip worked. Take care of yourselves.
  2. I have tried to install this game four times now and each time I run into the same situation. The install gets to Voice01.GPK on disc 2 and stops. I downloaded 4 torrents, the first two from torrents sites and the last two from here. I use alcohol 52% and this is the first time I have run into problems since I have played and downloaded all but 5 games from this site. Can anyone help me, because I have been dying to play this since I watched the series and want to see how the rest of the stories goes. Thank you in advance.
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