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Makoto Nanaya

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Posts posted by Makoto Nanaya

  1. I love white but i'm ok with almost all colors except Orange.....I've been hating Orange lately.....However, a character that has Orange hair can also be a character that I can love but its just weird that in some animes, the chars that i've hated, have been characters with orange hair....sorry Orange but ur the guy that got hit by a bullet cause u were caught in the crossfire :(


    but Hairstyle also takes an important part.

  2. Hope this is the right place to put this.....ok


    I want to buy wallscrolls online, I googled and ebay'd and such, but I only see a limited amount of pages that sell em, any1 kind enough to post any page that sells wallscroll that u personally buy from? I had to go as far as buying some Body Pillows and ima make em Wallscroll once I get em. Or if anyone knows of a good page that lets u make custom wallscrolls? Please do tell me. Thanks~


    o and also if u know of a good page that sells some nice body pillows besides Milanoo and FTCline please do tell me :p i'm liking the two sided thing and making em wallscrolls, some are ecchi the ones i've seen/bough but hey its cool as long as it has one normal side(with clothing) lol....


    o and since i'm bored im making a poll just to make use of how it works xD

  3. I've seen so many Animes I can't decide. so i'll just give an anime and i'll give my favorite char of that anime :p every anime takes place in a totally different world that another anime so its hard to decide which char i like best. we only have 1 world so we can only choose 1 love. I kinda apply the same thing into anime :) every anime has their own world so i choose my favorite char of that certain anime. I can't decide on a fav anime char out of all the animes i've seen since every anime takes place in different worlds, sure it could be planet earth but u don't see naruto in the world of Goku(DBZ) xD kinda what i'm trying to say O.O hope some1 can get what i'm saying hahaha :D


    -Chrome Shelled Relios-


    Nina (L)

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