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Download Comments posted by alterchaos

  1. On 11/8/2013 at 9:13 PM, Pasa said:

    Hi, Sorry to bother ya, but walkthrough mega download for capes route and sirian story is down
    Can you re upload it if you still have those walkthrough on hand ?

  2. Two questions before i spend time and hard drive space downloading this one:


    1.) Is this another pointless rape the heroine story? (By the looks of the cover art and the game description, I'm holding on to hope that it isn't.)


    2.) Did we avoid ruining a potentially good game by not abusing the heroines but ruin it instead with blood-related incest? (I'm not holding on to hope for this one.)


    I couldn't find a vndb.org entry for this one that might answer those questions, so I'm hoping somebody here knows.


    Nope, this is rather heart warming story about a guy who go around telling cute girl to join him in adventure and calling him Oni chan (no real incest involve)

    and the guy pretty much ask for some consent before penetration happen, at least the penetration part *winky face*

  3. So i downloaded all of that, but nothing changed. Do i have to reinstall the game or do something with the RPG makers?


    have you install it yet

    all those 4 RPG maker that you download

    if you already install all 4 of those rpg maker and the game still dosent work

    then i cant help ya, usually after people install all those 4 rpg maker, they already can play the game

  4. Ivan is there a software i need to play this? because i keep getting green error messages that i think are saying 'unable to access the file' , the game still works, but all the character like the shopkeeper, items and enemies are blank spaces. I would put a screenshot but im not sure how.


    Well, u probably dosent install RPG maker yet if u still new for this tye of game

    just download and install here


    RPG Maker RTP Downloads | RPG Maker | Make A Game!


    download this 4, then u can play any type rpgx game out there







    RPG MAKER 2003

  5. give us a heads up if you find the fix patch. it is hard to come by since it is only available for those who actually bought the game. lets hope someone uploaded it already. someone already made a request thread for the patch



    Nah, the patch is actually dosent exist because, everytime they create a newer version , the creator tell the people to download their full game in newer version


    anyway, i already play the newer version of 1.3.7 (fixed patch) for a whole day yesterday and manage to get nearly half of the map, and surprised, the only bug that i found was at a place called Citadel Ruin where, if u go bottom east of the map, u will find 2 different asuri merchant and one of them will ask you kill another, if u agree, that will trigger the bug to active ( u cannot use or open to look ur skill) , but if u deny, the bug will not be active and you can continue as usual without any problem

  6. i already downlaod and play the Karmasutra 1.3.7

    it has get rid all the bug i find from the previous version so far

    so if u guys wanna to play this game, try find 1.3.7 version, ( the game here is still in the previous 1.2 version so still bug)

    i still in the early game so i will give u an update about the bug i find in this 1.3.7 version, if i found one that is


    well admin, could you change this game to 1.3.7 version

  7. This game IS REALLY BUGGY, probably because this 1.0.0 version

    can someone link me the latest patch for the bugfix

    the karmasutra 2.1.0 i mean


    Nope, scratch that, this game is literally a mess, no matter what version they are

    admin, u should probably take this down before someone complain about the game being crazy buggy

  8. Well for the CG it's good but if you looking for plot story it's focus on sex.

    I prefer rape story like Bunny Black series


    Then this is not for you,

    This is more to dark, mind break, revenge kinda rape,

    look for it in hentai video, they have 4 episode i believe

  9. Does anybody know if Cro has a playable route, or is she relegated to the role of a side character?


    She will be available after u complete all 4 heroine route then pick REPEAT at the main screen

  10. Sometime, i dont understand what the people that trying to make a eroge an all age game,

    Yes the story is all we need but if we knew that the game WAS an eroge and they trying to make it all age by cutting all the dirty joke and some scene, of corse we will not satisfied,

    ( unless the person they trying to sell dosent know that this is an eroge )

    At the very least not me since i love dirty joke so much and hate it when i know people cut some scene in a game when i know there is one, the same reason why i love manga than anime and love novel than manga ( i want to know the full stories man )

  11. Devspar_Zero - SONG: Sword of Virgin By FripSide of course ( really love their song, and they sang in many famous anime ),


    After playing this and do some research,

    I CANT WAIT FOR THE FANDISC "koiken Otome~Revive"

    My 3 favourate character are in those Chiharu, Mari and Shiho Tan XD

    Why they not in this game


    I really hope they translate the fandisc like Watashi no koi shinasai

    Please please please someone translate it, my fav girl are waiting



    well this is definitely a co*k tease, not that i mind it though XD

    this game kinda remind me an old idolmaster game from PSP, although this the main character work as cameraman rather than producer

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