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Posts posted by alterchaos

  1. 21th

    and it has been a whole 5 years since the last entry LOL

    any way, im Alter, nice to meet cha all,

    Already play MOST of the translated Vn so far, even the gore one, so it will be a heck of list

    but my favorite VN will be, 1st Deus Machina Demonbane ( also the first Vn i played XD ), 2nd Clannad ( of course ), 3rd Fate/SN, 4th KiraKira, and 5th is Edelweiss ( all time fav XD )

    Oh and, if u guys allowed some PS game , Then Ar-Tonelico series ( include the new Ar nosurge ) take the first place by far

    Love the story and music in those, ( but fighting mechanic, meh, not so much especially ps3/ps4 version, although the Ar-tonelico 2 figthing mechanic is quite good )

  2. Actually, yes, a bunch of them

    well they tease me about it and calling pedo once in a while, but i know they just joking around and know that i dont actually like or have guts to attack a child in real life

    It just depend on how close you are with your friend and how you explain to them whether as a joke or something to make them understand, they get used to it

    Hell, my gay friend has it much worse than me especially if he want to sit with other guy beside him at a food court.

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