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Soldier of Faith

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Posts posted by Soldier of Faith

  1. Apparently, either u guys hate my invites or i cant add u unless ur on when i do it, :(


    I was on since like 11 this morning, so if you did send me something, I didn't get it D:

  2. Summoner's name: Soldier of Faith (Hurr Derp, so no one will ever know who I am)


    Ehh.... just started the other day, but I'm Level 6 and I've played a few PvP games and was able to win thankfully. At first was using Annie playing mid and bot, but now I've switched to Ahri and just hold top/harrass other players when nessacary.

  3. I like loli as next as the new guy (which judging by this thread is alot lol), I just hate how wishy-washy the US is about the issue. In certain instances it's legal and in others it's now, it worries and confuses me so much sometimes >.


    Back to Topic: Yeah, I'd say about 3 or 4 four people know I do, but they're cool with it since they're into eroge and anime too. Perv + Perv = acceptance I guess.

  4. Rusty Hearts maybe? Haven't played it myself, but the graphics look nice, free to play (As far as I know....), and I believe it has both hack-and-slash along with RPG elements. Maybe not your type of thing, but it popped into my head when looking at your games.


    Also played Mabinogi for a week or two before, liked it alot, but I just don't have the time (nor money) for it D:

  5. Nope, to realistic for me, only play battlefield 3 and tribes ascend these days. And some TF2 once in a while.


    Awww, I was hoping that maybe we could get a handful of people to do something like this together:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJxAdF0a4OY&feature=related


    I've tried this alone and seen a few videos of it, and it looks pretty damn fun and creepy. And come on, everyone loves zombies :p

  6. Just wondering if anyone here plays or has played. I've been trying out the free version and I'm liking what I'm seeing, so any input from anyone who has the full game would be appreciated.

  7. Thanks soldier of faith for the -50% nordic coupon, spellforce 2 is pretty good, it's a mix between old skool rpg's (which i like) and basebuilding & unit creating rts. Nice combo, really interesting game.


    No problem buddy, just glad that you're enjoying it :p honestly I haven't had too much time lately to play my games, so it's good that you'll get a lot of fun out of it.

  8. Was playing that mod for Red Orchestra 2 called Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45. It isn't any triple A title, but there was alot of work put into model design, weapon design, map design, etc. I liked the gameplay, but they need to either reduce the size of maps or include larger amount of players per map. I played on a map based on a field area in Holland and spent 20 minutes running towards the enemy controlled objective with no sight of friendlies or enemies, and it was a 25 v 25 match ._. I like, but needs tweaks

  9. Nope, but I wish. When I was long, I lived in a neighborhood where everyone else's religion was different from mine, so even though there were tons of kids around, I never had any friends in that neighborhood to hang out with. Then, I moved to a new school after 1st grade, so I lost contact with most of my old friends. Then from there on out I really never established any long lasting friendships with any girls I went to school with from there on out. I really do regret it :( So, that's why I constantly encourage my younger brother to pay attention to some of the girls in his class so that he might have what I never had DX

  10. Bonus: much of the armor for females is of the chainmail bikini type, so you can whore around while you save the world.


    My good sir has peeked my interested :p I'd consider getting it if it weren't for the fact that I'm really backed up with all the other games I hae that I haven't even touched yet :/

  11. Same here, i've got a -33% Valve published game coupon and 2 Guest Passes for Killing Floor. Are there any good games made by Nordic? Otherwise i'll want that one :p


    Can't really do anything with those killing floor passes, and i wanted to use that -33% valve coupon for HALF LIFE 3! :p


    Well, the rule with the coupons is that usually the higher the discount the lower quality the games/ the less money you get a discount for(EX: 33% off of 20$ valve game = 13.40 $ ; 50% off of 10$ Nordic game = 5$).


    But anyway, right now I'm looking at the Nordic games page and the "best" games I see here are Painkiller: Black Edition and Spell Force 2: Gold edition. The first one is more of a zombie shooter type and the other is an RPG I think.

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