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Posts posted by Flaze

  1. Hmm? Koestl says he's working on something official now for MG/JAST or whatever. Doesn't mean he couldn't pick up Meikyuu (again) and Rakuen later.




    Doom and gloom. Doom and gloom.


    X_X All that progress that could've been made in 6+ months. Oh well...An incredibly douchey line must be said to cope: "It is what it is." Now to wait and cry in a corner while waiting every week to look at the glorious red. Either that or forget about VNs for 6 months and come back to see massive glorious updates.

    • Grisaia no Meikyuu - Dead for at least 6 months, possibly even longer.


    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Oh mai gurd.There's always next year I guess. Hopefully something I'm interested in actually comes out.


    • Coμ - Kuroi Ryuu to Yasashii Oukoku - 41847/51433 (81.36%) lines translated
    • Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate - 390/397 files translated, 208/397 files edited
    • Koiken Otome - 69.70% translated, 30.46% edited
    • Yosuga no Sora - Translation status is , Nao 59.21%, Motoka 29.63%
    • Seinarukana - Basically finished so hopefully JAST will be releasing it soon™.


    Hooray...? The red text pleases me, for I do not care how much it has progressed. I only care that it has. "Soon" is a term notorious in the world of...everything. Fuck it, just gotta wait.



    Looks interesting enough. .-.

  2. I remember watching the anime for Yoakemae Yori Ruriiro Na, but not what it was about... I just remember it was pretty good as a child. Hmm not sure if I should play the game or not.


    At first I wanted to play the VN, but realized it wasn't translated yet so I went to watch the anime (I don't even know how I finished it) and cried at how bad it was. A predictable plot, incredibly boring comedy, inconsistent animation... I dunno, maybe I'm weird, because at first I went to T.H.E.M. and Nihon review and they said it was dull/uninteresting. Then I go to MAL and it's full of 8/10s, 9/10s, and 10/10s with one or two 3/10s.

  3. Wonderful week :D Walkure Romanze & KoiChoco, two VNs with anime I was disappointed with, except maybe one was worse than the other... .-. Bunch of VN I would've loved to seen updates on, but meh, guess I'll have to wait 'till next week. Anyways, time to look up Mahoutsukai no Yoru on my best friend Google.


    o.O Looks interesting.

    • White Album 2 - Overall: 7517/70253 (10.69%) lines translated, Introductory Chapter: 7517/10769 (69.8%) lines translated
    • Walkure Romanze - Translation starting up


    If this is a dream, don't bother waking me up for 1 - 2 years, I'll be reading Walkure Romanze by that time. The anime's shit, but I've heard good things about the VN version. If the translation goes into the pile of shit that failed, the backup plan of continuing my Japanese studies won't fail me...I hope.


    Also, hooray for WA2 (^凹^)

  4. New projects announced



    Secret Game: Killer Queen Depth Edition - Lemnisca Translations

    --------->Rebellions: Secret Game 2nd Stage: Boosted Edition. - Lemnisca Translations


    Note: All ero content will be edited out of this patch.


    -Breathe in....breathe out...-





    Whatever, looks like a good game anyways Σ(゚ロ゚」)」

  5. White Album 2 - Overall: 5087/70253 (7.24%) lines translated, Introductory Chapter: 5087/10769 (47.23%) lines translated


    ;-; Read a few reviews and it was, for the most part, positive shit. Gawd, screw this. Either I learn Japanese decently enough to read White Album 2, or the translation group translates it first.



  6. Originally planned to pirate Agarest: Generations of War. Then I realized how retarded it is to not reward a J-RPG release on PC. Just went to Steam and bought it. I'll probably say good-bye to my social life to play Agarest.


    EDIT: Forgot to mention, it has the original japanese voices, so don't worry, your ear will not bleed because of bad dubs.


    I no longer have any worries.




    • Coμ - Kuroi Ryuu to Yasashii Oukoku - 30517/51433 (59.33%) lines translated, common/Benio route partial patch out, Hisoka route fully translated
    • Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate - 227/397 files translated, 132/397 files edited, Common/Chisato routes fully translated
    • Yosuga no Sora - Translation status is Common route 100%, Sora route 100%, Nao 19.76%, Kazuha 100%, Akira 61.99% Motoka 23.08%, Common and Kazuha fully edited



  7. Gone for a while and I C DIS:


    • Coμ - Kuroi Ryuu to Yasashii Oukoku - 22729/51433 (44.19%) lines translated, common/Benio route partial patch out
    • Ikinari Anata ni Koishiteiru - Fully translated, 2 editors working on it.






    I checked the updates a few weeks back and....


    • Mashiro Iro Symphony - Common route 93.98% Translated








    Little busters got an update a day or two ago, although I'm not sure how much that it moved the % translation. Still only about 60% complete :( Some day.


    I. Have. Found. The. Light.

    • Coμ - Kuroi Ryuu to Yasashii Oukoku - 10605/51433 (20.62%) lines translated, common route fully translated
    • Grisaia no Kajitsu - Yumiko route 658/773 (85.1%) kb translated, overall 5798/5913 (98.06%) kb translated, 4047/5913 (68.46%) kb edited
    • Ikinari Anata ni Koishiteiru - 24452/31028 (78.80%) lines translated 17678/31028 (56.97%) lines edited.
    • Yosuga no Sora - Common route 100%, Sora route 100%, Nao 19.76%, Kazuha 100%, Akira 45.71%, Motoka 22.87%


    Grisaia...dat 98% \( `.∀´)/


    \(T∇T)/ Everyone laiks updates.


    Will be released this year because, hey, its Aroduc. :D





  8. [*]Baldr Sky - Officially stalled until further notice.[/Quote]




    ((((;゜Д゜))) It didn't update for quite a while so I feared something like this would happen. My hope for Baldr is now crushed. Please excuse me while I go fucking rage.




    [*]Grisaia no Kajitsu - Yumiko route 603/773 (78.0%) kb translated, overall 5742/5913 (97.12%) kb translated, 4047/5913 (68.46%) kb edited[/Quote]




    [*]Coμ - Kuroi Ryuu to Yasashii Oukoku - 9214/51433 (17.91%) lines translated


    [*]Dracu-Riot! - partial patch released, 35595/53707 (66.28%) lines translated, 2 routes + common route fully translated


    [*]Fate/Hollow Ataraxia- 96.0% translated, third partial patch out


    [*]Ikinari Anata ni Koishiteiru - 20447/31028 (65.89%) lines translated 16289/31028 (52.49%) lines edited.


    [*]Mahoutsukai no Yoru - 417.94/1221.30 (34.22%) kb translated[/Quote]


    Hooray, lots of updates. I checked out Mahoutsukai no Yoru and it seems interesting.


    JAST - Soon™


    [*]Seinarukana - Being translated by Aroduc


    FAITH IN HUMANITY: Restored.

  9. [*]Coμ - Kuroi Ryuu to Yasashii Oukoku - 6770/51433 (13.16%) lines translated


    [*]Dra+Koi - released


    [*]Dracu-Riot! - 35595/53707 (66.2%) lines translated


    [*]Fate/Hollow Ataraxia- 95.3% translated, third partial patch out


    [*]Grisaia no Kajitsu - Yumiko route 527/773 (68.2%) kb translated, overall 5667/5913 (95.84%) kb translated, 4047/5913 (68.46%) kb edited


    [*]Ikinari Anata ni Koishiteiru - 20447/31028 (65.89%) lines translated 14303/31028(46.09%) lines edited.




    [*]Mashiro Iro Symphony - "Common route 15.71% Translated



    Well...at least Koichoco moved (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

  10. some bad news i think?


    the 2 translator for Mashiro Iro Symphony project are gone missing..

    the project leader said that they'll find a new translator if those 2 of the missing person don't respond to them at the end of this month..




    i've got some confirmation from the leader of the project..
    We still have a couple of people who are working on the translation, and both of them are pretty skilled, so we're still good. They just had different jobs until now. (Image editing and such)[/Quote]



  11. [*]Coμ - Kuroi Ryuu to Yasashii Oukoku - 4566/51433 (8.88%) lines translated


    [*]Grisaia no Kajitsu - common, Amane, Sachi, Michiru, and Makina routes fully translated, Yumiko route 429/773 (55.5%) kb translated, overall 5569/5913 (94.19%) kb translated, 4047/5913 (68.46%) kb edited, demo out


    [*]Ikinari Anata ni Koishiteiru - 20447/31028 (65.89%) lines translated 12606/31028 (40.62%) lines edited.


    YUUUEEESSHHHH Grisaia is a few weeks away from completion\(@ ̄∇ ̄@)/ 


    Erm, anyway, does anyone planning to translate Rui wa Tomo wo Yobu[/Quote]




    Meh, never heard of it, xd.



    or Tayutama? :> :rolleyes:




    ( ≧Д≦)



  12. even if he finishes it, which i doubt, otonaship is just using a machine translator to translate real imouto ga iru. It's not going to be decent at all. Koto the translator who actually started the project and translated the entire common route knows japanese though. But he's busy with life issues right now. Might as well let otonaship drop it.


    may i ask how did you know about this?


    ...stalker? xD He probably just talked to the guy xd

  13. Dude, you really need to learn how to interact with people.


    I'll have to agree with you. Why continue an argument? Not exactly polite to tell someone to "go cry, emo kid."


    I know that feeling, black. *look at Baldr Sky and Cartagra* :/


    However, I don't think (to use your word) a reputable translation group would come to this site, much else read your thread, though. There's nothing we can do. (except learning the language)


    The only reason I started studying Japanese a month ago (and I'm still doing it)...was because of Baldr Sky & 11Eyes... The anime for 11Eyes was shit. I heard from someone on some random forums comparing the anime and the VN. From what I saw in the comparison post...the anime was a shitty adaptation. And so after I saw that post, I started to do Japanese. Once I saw the shitty progress on Baldr Sky, I started working even harder xD.


    Edit: I actually started 3 months ago (Japanese study) and I'm still on Hiragana xD (busy with other subjects xd computer science, math, economics, etc + laziness + anime distractions). Recently started studying more intensely.

  14. [*]11eyes - Progress: 29.4%, "New Translator accepted, 267 lines translated as of 11/21/2012. Waiting to see more progress before making any announcements


    [*]Baldr Sky - Translation of new scripts stalled for a few weeks while existing scripts get revised. Overall progress: 23834/91443 (26.06%) lines

    I don't know I why even bother to look at this shit.. (;¬_¬)


    [*]Coμ - Kuroi Ryuu to Yasashii Oukoku - 2884/51433 (5.61%) lines translated


    [*]Fate/Hollow Ataraxia- 93.2% translated, third partial patch out


    [*]Grisaia no Kajitsu - Yumiko route 306/773 (39.6%) kb translated, overall 5446/5913 (92.14%) kb translated, 4047/5913 (68.46%) kb edited


    [*]Ikinari Anata ni Koishiteiru - 16529/31028 (53.26%) lines translated 10361/31028 (33.39%) lines edited.


    [*]Little Busters EX - ~800 lines of Saya translated


    [*]Majikoi A - Sayaka patch released, Azumi 5% translated


    [*]Mashiro Iro Symphony - "Common route 15.71% Translated


    Woot. Surprising F/H A update. Grisaia's translation almost done. LBX update ♪(┌・。・)┌. Ikinari's translation is half done. Comyu pr0gr3$$ ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ). Mashiro Iro update

    ヘ(^_^ヘ) (ノ^_^)ノ.




    [*]Hatsuyuki Sakura - 7660/38943 (19.7%) lines translated, ~1500/38943 lines edited

    Translator is getting slowed down a lot by me (I script format) and the editors since 35% of the time he's answering the questions we're asking instead of translating. The editors aren't really doing much. One guy is studying Japanese to get into a Japanese University or something and the other editor is extremely inactive. Plus the hacker still needs to be able to put the translated lines into the visual novel itself so..it might be slowed (though the translator works insanely quickly ._.).

  15. Guys, we already have an eroge opening thread...


    That was on my mind since I saw this page... ヽ( ´¬`)ノ


    Not surprise to learn that Ikikoi doesn't have great story. I don't have much interest in moege tbh.

    Well, since many of you have posted big title like Grisaia and Oretsuba, I think I should counter it with OPs of VN that has never really been in the limelight.


    OK, here I go!

    -lots of openings-

    Too bad none of them are playable even with the translation tools...


    Oh, and this one is hilarious:

    -random opening-


    All SofthouseChara title. lol I approved of the last one though, Wizard's Climber.


    Might as well throw バニーブラック 2 in here too, I guess.


    (((( ;°Д°)))) Da back and forth

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