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Everything posted by FourZro

  1. Oh god, that Yoshino song in Rewrite.....I lost it! lol I freaking love this VN.
  2. Just finished Little Busters and all I can say is, did not expect that ending...pretty crazy. Now I'm starting Rewrite. Good thing I downloaded the torrent last night and went to sleep, it took 9 fucking hours to download, don't know why it took so long.
  3. Is there such a thing? It feels like a lot of the times H scenes are just thrown in just to be there you know? They don't add to the story and the writing for them is always so awkward and sounds like some lonely dudes fantasy >_> And there's always those cliche lines, you know the lines I'm talking about. (it's my first time but yadda yadda, say no mean yes, etc etc.) I just feel like a lot of times H scenes just ruin the immersion for me....you have a great story and all of a sudden H scene out of nowhere that has nothing to do with anything. Anyone else feel the same way?
  4. Finished two routes in Hoshizora no Memoria, taking a break from that for now and playing Little Busters. I have a lot of VNs on hold as well.
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