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About Hauyia

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    Junior Member
  1. Simply put, it was just that Himea's personality grated my nerves to no end. To me, she came off as being very selfish and otherwise spoiled/whiny. The other girl (can't remember her name off the top of my head, been too long) however, seemed to be much more sincere and seemed to actually care how Taito himself felt. How much of this is the fault of the anime adaptation and/or translations is up in the air though.
  2. "Guilty Crown". It started out fine and I looked forward to it every week. Then the second half came and it all just went straight to hell, to the point that it took a complete 180 into finding reasons NOT to watch it every week. "Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi", pretty much because of Himea. Again, started out fine, but once I realized that the most unlikeable character in the entire show was the winning love interest, my joy was killed. "No. 6" for more or less the same reason, and not for the reason most people would assume. "Ikkitousen" because it somehow failed where the manga prevailed: poin
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