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Everything posted by GravitySpec

  1. I don't think someone being insecure about a birth condition and are trying to live a normal life with it is something to get ticked about. How would you behave in a similar position? ... and don't say you would tell them the moment you started dating. I would think it would come out eventually. Some potential issues that would have been considered a deal breaker at the start may not be a deal breaker if love had a chance to grow between the two. Wait a minute... did I really just start debating in an eroge forum, defending a character that I like in said eroge... Japan?! What have you d
  2. Now look what I started... *waves Asuho flag* "SETTLE DOWN EVERYONE!" >_
  3. GravitySpec

    Runaway City

    holy shit, haven't played this in forever... may have to go through it again. >_>
  4. My first time seeing a hostile takeover of a VN translation project... HnM is just that good eh? ^_^ I can get the jist of the dialog from the voiceovers, but I can't really read Japanese. Damnit I need to learn more so I can help. >_ Also, you can put me in the Asuho fan camp! She is just too cute! EDIT: Just finished reading through the whole thread... and.. You wound me.... QAQ ... TheDefend is bakabaka today... :
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