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Everything posted by Aaeru

  1. Aaeru

    Da Capo 3

    Lol please sue me. I. could. not. care. less.
  2. Hey do you mean you are looking for otome-games (targeted at females?) there are not a lot of games translated that are otome-ge, There's five here: Fuwanovel there is another one called Silver Chaos but I couldn't get it working Most of the games on this site are male-oriented (?) and so you tend to play as a Male protagonist. In Katahane Fuwanovel , you switch between different characters. there's no one protag
  3. thx strom that image is pretty darn useful~~ I set up a website to help ppl do JUST That, find VNs (esp for the casuals). I'm just uploading the torrents now (itll appear by the end of today). site is in beta
  4. Hey where did you find that quote? I am almost certain this was definitely made up.
  5. you are too everywhere O.O

  6. Nothing. It's just a pirate site like any other with a forums attached to it. the only difference is that I target casuals. Also it's dedicated to not just serving VNs but to increase demand for it overseas and to increase the amount of fan translation. also I talk to fan translators from all over the place, on IRC, forums, emails, everywhere, all the time. I want to convince them that they should move to releasing full game + patch, instead of JUST patch, and that there is nothing wrong nor dangerous about doing so. VN fan translation has taken the same path that insani.org led w
  7. Yeah fuwanovel.com is basically trying to make translated visual novels more accessible. I love erogegames.com. Simply the best site in existence doing this kind of stuff Copyright does not have the ability to create new demand. All it can do is monopolize on demand once you've got it. Japanese companies do not have the marketing budget to reach a large overseas audience. Nor is advertising effective. Plastering banners everywhere is forceful and brutish, it is inefficient use of money and it DOES NOT WORK ANYWAY. I would rather they spend the money making MORE games..... Which means, the
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