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Posts posted by Aaeru

  1. lolz...

    that girl aaeru trying to translate it??

    well..she better get prepared to be sued by MG then..

    since DC's license is under MG now..


    Lol please sue me.


    I. could. not. care. less.

  2. Hey do you mean you are looking for otome-games (targeted at females?) there are not a lot of games translated that are otome-ge, There's five here: Fuwanovel

    there is another one called Silver Chaos but I couldn't get it working


    Most of the games on this site are male-oriented (?) and so you tend to play as a Male protagonist.


    In Katahane Fuwanovel , you switch between different characters. there's no one protag

  3. GIGA filed an injunction against TinFoil for hosting Futsuu's Baldr Sky translation. (Or at least hosting updates and seemingly planning to host the patch.) All sites hosted by him will remain down until it can be demonstrated that this translation has ceased, and if this is found to be a lie at a later date it will be brought down permanently, and he will be charged a very severe fine with possibility of jail time, even if the patch isn't distributed by him, because the judge is convinced that he is still tied to the project.



    Hey where did you find that quote? I am almost certain this was definitely made up.


    Everytime someone mentions it, thread derails into trollfest, but alright, i'll take a bait...



    Welcome aboard!

    So basically Fuwa is going to do the same thing erogedownload, vn-meido, fakku, craneanime, vnsharing and a few more already do. The difference is that you're trying to create "buzz" even before your site is functional and actually delivers.

    Now, if you don't mind me asking - what makes your site "special", that already existing sites don't have?


    Nothing. It's just a pirate site like any other with a forums attached to it.


    the only difference is that I target casuals. Also it's dedicated to not just serving VNs but to increase demand for it overseas and to increase the amount of fan translation.


    also I talk to fan translators from all over the place, on IRC, forums, emails, everywhere, all the time. I want to convince them that they should move to releasing full game + patch, instead of JUST patch, and that there is nothing wrong nor dangerous about doing so.



    VN fan translation has taken the same path that insani.org led which TLWiki models after and has thus become the default model for fan translators everywhere, but I argue that this is wrong. It is inconsistent to the spirit of fan translation, it deviates from its definition, which is to bring Japanese-exclusive games to parts of the world where they would never have reached anyway. There is no reason why visual novels should not enjoy a portion of the success that anime and manga have been enjoying for the past decade thanks to free internet.


    I argue that the reason why is largely because the Copyright cartels have hyped piracy to such an extent ppl now consider it 'Stealing'. Copyright infringement is not stealing. copyright infringement is copyright infringement. Copyright infringement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In fact, they now classify it a 'cybercrime' and people now assume that all copyright infringement is wrong... all of this happened within the span of about 30-40 years! Before 1974, the VAST majority of all commercially published works were Public Domain! When you purchased a book or a record before 1974, you can copy it, sample it, broadcast it in public, do anything you like with it. In 2012 the world could not be more different. Copyright infringement only became dirty within the past 30 years thanks to the efforts of Multinationals and other Big Content Owners who have launched the biggest marketing campaign in the history of the world to criminalize piracy. The damage that they have done to society now inhibits fan translation from progressing, see encubed » News Archive » Eiyuu Senki project halts because of DMCA take down because it teaches people that it is wrong to copy. And that it is wrong to create derivative works. This could not be less true. The very purpose of copyright in the first place is to encourage more copies, and more derivative works. Not less. Our laws have been corrupted at the hands of Multinationals and other Special Interests.



    Anyway... if you're interested in reading this very important topic, I wrote a summary here in the contents Visual Novel Aer or you can browse around on this page for the time being

  5. Yeah fuwanovel.com is basically trying to make translated visual novels more accessible. I love erogegames.com. Simply the best site in existence doing this kind of stuff


    Copyright does not have the ability to create new demand. All it can do is monopolize on demand once you've got it. Japanese companies do not have the marketing budget to reach a large overseas audience. Nor is advertising effective. Plastering banners everywhere is forceful and brutish, it is inefficient use of money and it DOES NOT WORK ANYWAY. I would rather they spend the money making MORE games..... Which means, the only way you can bring in new players is if your fans Evangelize your work. This is what the Sharing Economy is all about, places like erogegames.com, this is what Lawrence Lessig (the founder of Creative Commons) has been fighting for for over a DECADE! He has been trying to legalize piracy! It is not that the people online sharing and enriching people's lives everywhere could possibly be doing the wrong thing. Far from it, It is what the Big Media and Government are trying to do to these people through IP laws that is Wrong.


    This is a prototype site Fuwanovel

    actually all the content is complete, it shouldve been launched months ago, but i had been set back by illness >.


    i should get around to uploading the rest soon. in fact, if you have good upload speeds i could use some help, because my upload speeds here in Australia sucks ^^;

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