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10 Good

About Darrenchiam

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    Junior Member
  1. Darrenchiam

    Kyonyuu Fantasy

    Let's see: I will return to Boans (Save 1) Return to Boans (Load Save 1) Become Royal Guard (Save 2) Find Shrine (Load Save 2) Return to Town (Load Save 1) Become Commander (Save 3) No More Lessons (Load Save 3) Bring another Instructor
  2. Darrenchiam

    Highschool Possession

    Although the premise is good, I have a few gripes with this game. First is the textbox. There is very little shading behind the text which makes it uncomfortable to see at times. Second is a personal aethestic issue, which is the art. I'm just not good with this sort of art that looks like it came from a western comic. Third is that the choices can be confusing because they are very similar in terms of wording or sound like they would result in the same way.
  3. Darrenchiam


    This was translated by Rogue fyi. I played this when he finished translating it, it is quite interesting that there is actually a backstory for the monster you play as, which is revealed as you go through the different endings.
  4. Darrenchiam

    Valkyrie Svia

    Not exactly mindbreak IMO. Well, in Suvia's case that is.
  5. There is a patch that might be coming out soon that restores both the scenes we love and also fix the unnatural english. If you want that patch, I would hold off playing the game.
  6. I find it funny that even though children in USA know how to have sex when they are 7-8 years old, their parents still feel the need to shield their eyes from the "dirty" stuff. I understand outlawing RapeLay but this is totally different. It's MoeNovel for god's sake, just look at the Moe and you would understand it doesn't need censoring.
  7. Has anyone seen this ending yet? (Good Ending) Use someone else Physical humiliation Accept her cooperation Sexual slave It's so enjoyable. I loved it.
  8. Darrenchiam

    Song of Saya

    It's now uncensored apparently.
  9. Darrenchiam

    Song of Saya

    One of the most beautiful romance stories of the decade. Saya no Uta is unforgettable whether you love it or hate it.
  10. Darrenchiam


    Yeah, I get you. I finished the game before. Ignoring the enormous amount of gore and the fact that we romance Cthulu or whatever Saya is, Saya no Uta qualifies for the best moving romance of the year. I can definitely see the deep love between the protagonist and Saya and the fact that the ideas behind them within their point of view is really beautiful. However, the protagonist is a rank-A jerk, Saya is psycho and this game can seriously cause a lot of trauma.
  11. Darrenchiam


    I believe that that other user has recommended many good ones but I'll just add some that do have good plot and story as well. Monster Girl Quest : While it may not appeal to your taste, the story and character development is just epic. I played it on a whim and found myself captivated by the story, so much so that I finished it within one night in one play-through. The characters tend to have hilarious personalities, deep pasts and character, and the game addresses many deep issues such as the futility of war, the idea of the sin of the father passing to the son, etc. It is a game that sho
  12. Darrenchiam


    This might sound dumb considering the genre and the dual guro ending that I got which I tried to avoid but is there a happy ending in this game?
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