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Posts posted by Dan.

  1. The spoiler comment was about the post immediately before the post where he said it.






    [Love insn't mentioned in Ougai's papers, she learns it (progressively) with Fuminori. If it wasn't the case near the end you wouldn't have stuff such as a Saya that in a first moment, knowing that Yoh liked Fuminori, changes Yoh's body in order to "give her a body that could be loved by him" (making him a present -that he didn't need, she was more like an experiment with which he might as well play with-, though she does other stuff such as offering to take on Kouji by herself putting his safety ahead of her own) followed by a change of mind with a jealous Saya that want to monopolize him (end of the last h-scene).



    [Love is mentioned in Ougai's papers. It's in the end after Saya transforms the world when the doctor is putting his papers together and it tells the full story of Saya coming to this world and her time together with Ougai. Saya says that she transformed Yoh because she wanted to give Fuminori a family (and Yoh is the pet). They discuss right after she does it about how she's just a pet and Saya wants him to have sex with Yoh, but to give all his semen to Saya.


  2. [i hope this extra bracket works. When she changes the neighbor and later Yoh she talks about how taking all of Fuminori's semen has taught her about human DNA and how to change people using that information. Also in Ougai's journals he mentions when he gave her the rat semen and she did the same thing with rats. In the end it's kind of like Saya is pregnant. But she's like a flower in some ways, so she "blooms," and releases spores or something that cover surfaces in like rotting flesh or whatever Fuminori usually sees (but it looks like plants to Fuminori) and humans turn into how they looked to Fuminori. Basically Saya converts the whole world into what it looked like to Fuminori so that the world looks beautiful to Fuminori again. Like I said before, any "humanization" happens before the story begins. As far as what information the story gives, Saya doesn't know about love as an instinct, or by nature. She's a planet-conquering reproduction machine with a thirst for knowledge when she first arrives on Earth. She's biologically just supposed to learn about humans so she can transform and conquer them. But in learning about them she learns about love and trying to understand love is what makes her human. And she does change after she meets Fuminori for the first time. She's living in the hospital scaring people every night, probably because she's lonely and cannot interact with people in any other way. But after she meets Fuminori and they are able to talk normally she starts coming back to see him and then gradually changes as she begins to like him (but even this is before the beginning of the story, although it's showed somewhat in flashbacks).

  3. I guess this is a suggestion thread, so here's my suggestions:

    Ones that were already said that I agree with: Kanon, Saya no Uta, Period, Ever17


    Since you liked Clannad (and Rewrite), Kanon is from the same company and also very good; Tomoyo After is the After Story of Tomoyo's route and very good even if Tomoyo wasn't your favorite character; Planetarian is a short kinetic novel (just a story, no choices); Little Busters is good, but I recommend you wait for the complete Ex or ME version translation patch because it adds a lot of content.

    Some other stuff to look out for: Air is currently being translated and the Rewrite fandisc, Harvest Festa, is going to be translated by the guy who did the original game after his current project is finished. There's also a translation project for Kud Wafter (Little Busters spin-off), but that game doesn't look very good and the project is currently stalled.


    If you play Period and you like it, Quartett! is another one from the same people that's also good, and it's short.

    Swan Song is a very different game that has interesting characters and story, but it's very graphic, so consider yourself warned if you don't like that.

    Osananajimi wa Daitouryou/My Girlfriend is the President is a very funny vn that you might want to read to lighten things up if some of these games get to be too heavy. It's not a great story or character vn and it has a couple flaws, but the comedy is very good as far as translated vns go.

  4. So I don't remember what you're supposed to put in the spoiler box to make the spoilers not show up in the activity stream, so hopefully this sentence is long enough that it won't show the spoilers.

    Pretty much all of Saya's "humanization" happens before the story. She starts as an inter-dimensional alien/monster thing with incredible learning ability. The learning ability is there to allow her to adapt to the dimension/universe/planet she ends up on so she can take it over. She learns about the dominant species of the planet so that she can take control of them. But when she is learning about humans, she learns about love and in her mind love becomes connected to reproduction in a way she does not understand. So she ends up thinking that love is needed for reproduction, but since she's inhuman, it should be impossible for her. Dr. Ougai says that she has become "irreversibly human" or something like that. I don't remember the exact words he used. But all of this happened before the game.

    The only ways Saya changes during the game are: 1. she puts Fuminori's needs ahead of her own (when she offers to turn him back to normal, when she gets him his "pet"); 2. she learns a little more about love/people after she makes the neighbor see the world like Fuminori but that doesn't make him nice to her. You can see her love for Fuminori grow/change somewhat during the story, but only a little and apart from the above examples, there's not much else that you can see change. There's probably something in there when she gives birth, but she doesn't really change much there either.


  5. Guys, don't forget this is the internet, so Rosetta Stone is free. In the Japanese one you choose romaji/hiragana/kanji+hiragana for the writing system when you learn. It's mostly for hearing and speaking though, not writing.


    There's a website, LiveMocha, that is basically a free, online version of rosetta stone, but includes text and voice chat with people learning other languages and learning activities that include writing and speaking that are "graded" by other users. So if you speak English and are learning Japanese, you find a couple people on there who speak Japanese and are learning English and you grade each other and help each other learn.

  6. I'm in the U.S. too, and it's like desi and saruda said. My high school actually required 3 years of a foreign language (you're in high school for 4), but most schools near me only required 1 or 2 years. My high school taught Spanish, French, and Italian, and the other high school in town taught Spanish, French, and German. We also had Spanish and French in middle school that was required for the three years you were there.


    I actually liked Spanish class and I was good at it so I was able to start high school Spanish at the second level and ended up getting college credit for Spanish when I graduated high school by doing an advanced class. I could have real conversations in Spanish at the time, but since I haven't used it a lot since then, I've forgotten a lot of it.


    One problem with language learning is that at most high schools in the U.S. there are no levels for the classes. Most people saw foreign language classes as an annoyance because they was required so they didn't take them seriously and knew almost nothing even after 3 years of it. You could take General, Academic, Honors, or AP Math classes, but there was only one level of each language class, so the people who were serious about learning were with the people who were only there because they had to be. Even among those who wanted to learn, it was difficult for the teacher to teach when people were at different levels of knowledge and learned at different speeds.

  7. They aren't changing anything in the story that matters.





    I always just skip passed the H scenes anyways, so no big loss for me.




    They are cutting out a lot more than just the h-scenes. Based on what they said they were removing, at least one entire route will be completely butchered.


    I don't get the public outcry about it.


    Most people aren't that upset about no h-scenes. They are upset about half the game being removed/changed.

  8. Here's the strategy I used.


    1. Start up the game like Gerard said.

    2. Follow his directions up until the part where it changes to ADV textboxes.

    3. Play the game for a few hours.

    4. Make all the right choices for the route you want to do first. *This step is very important!*

    5. Continue until you're at the end of the route and get a crash

    6. @!&%?!!


    Help :(


    When it crashes you just have to start all over from the beginning again. If it keeps crashing in the same place, that's because you're not trying hard enough.

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