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About Azengar

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  • Birthday 03/12/1996
  1. Thanks for the update! And btw what's the pic from ?
  2. I'm also happy these guys are amazing, from their blog posts to their translations. Glad to see they keep going!
  3. Yep I'm also looking forward to try Kotonoha Amrilato, as always thanks for the update.
  4. Haha, personally I'm really happy they did a full voiced version, I have a lot of trouble getting into a visual novel without voices.
  5. I think the best way to know would be to consult their privacy web page : OCR Secure access with ABBYY Cloud SDK But I'm not really sure what you don't want to get traced, the images that you're extracting the text from? In this case I think all the OCR will use your data at some point to train their program but I'm not sure if they're really interested in storing who is reading what with their OCR
  6. Damn NekoNyan announcing some great stuff, looking forward to it!
  7. Yeah well companies need money sure, but don't they have a quality standard or something? I guess in the end they just don't really care about the market outside japan. And yeah it'd be good if people would stop buying this crap, it's really sad to see so many people not even care about reading machine translated shit and paying for it. Let's just hope it remains a small part of the translated VN market and not the standard.
  8. It's really sad to see Fortissimo is getting a machine TL, how can the Japanese companies even agree to this?!
  9. Azengar


  10. Azengar

    Momoiro Closet

    Is it already released ? Doesn't seem to be out on steam yet.
  11. Azengar

    Fatal Twelve

    Looks interesting, thanks.
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