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About CMGarcia55

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  1. These translators have more than one ongoing project so me encouraging them won't help them not burn out. I'm not even sure it's who I'm thinking about.
  2. Common route: 4160/7737 tl lines Hijiri: 63/7825 Mina: 10294/10294 Asagao: 39/9690 The twins' routes are split weirdly with only 179 lines translated. This thing is as good as dead with only one active translator barely making any progress. She'll probably give up sooner or later too.
  3. I thought the project was dead but it looks like someone has been messing around with the scripts on google drive. Could be a translator or an editor. Still, I wouldn't expect much from this project since there's only this one person. The fastest translator we had finished his route and started his own project and the rest have barely worked on it. Here's the current progress: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ajl4lgs-542LdFczQWN1WEMwWTFDcUc2YUtxZEtXQWc&usp=drive_web#gid=0 Edit: The person is translating the common route.
  4. I don't know where they got that info from. I was part of the original team and it looks like it's dead. I can still edit the site and everything. Last message was from the "leader" who said he's working on a partial patch with the Mina and common route.
  5. What if I tell you that the main character is voiced by Eri Kitamura?
  6. I doubt anyone cares but me and two other people are working on a translation of Hanahira! So far 2/50 scripts (about 4.3%) are translated. Hanahira! http://hanahiratl.wordpress.com/
  7. They decided to do another project. Deciding on a VN to Translate - Fan Translation Discussion, Volunteer Talk - Fuwanovel ^ Is there a website for it?
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