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Posts posted by Whitetragedy

  1. Like many people, I started out expecting it to be something like Sword Art Online, but I was pleasantly surprised. Besides the fact that they are trapped inside a game world, everything else is different.



    -Focuses on solo play

    -You die when you die >_>

    -Heavy in romance

    -Set goal of clearing the game to leave


    Log Horizon

    -Focuses on team play

    -You don't die when you die wut

    -Heavy in plot and action (some ninja loli here and there)

    -Since you don't die is there a need to leave?(Goal is open)


    Honestly, Log Horizon feels more like a "realistic" mmo you and I play, instead of watching a 13 year old's wet dream.

  2. Always remember to get the latest hydroblast, chain stasis, and null silencer or you'll get screwed over at the boss when they use a continues healing/damaging skill.


    or... you can play Ai's route first and get Eternal Phantasm which stops audience shifts and lets you spam your most powerful skills for 4 turns and... by then the boss should be close to dead if not dead.

  3. Character enjoyment of Grisaia. (From High to Low)


    Makina: Devilish little sister character, whenever I see her mischievous smile whatever comes out of her mouth next always get me laughing.

    Yumiko: Tsundere character, the gap between her tsun and dere makes me go awwwww every time she goes dere.

    Amane: Sexy older sister character, walking the thin line between bold and slutty makes her that much more attractive.

    Michiru: Airhead character, hilarious at whatever she does except when she's pretending to be tsundere. *very personal opinion

    Sachi: Robot maid character, has her funny moments when she pokes fun at Michiru but felt a bit bland when compared to the other heroines.


    I found the heroines of Grisaia to be both enjoyable and lovable. Some had certain features that attracted me more than other. That said, it doesn't mean Sachi is a boring heroine or that I hate Sachi. It just means that some heroines hit closer to my tastes than others.

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