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Everything posted by Blobboyify

  1. Kaho Route for Hara Kano released Loe Quality Translations: Harakano - Kaho's Route 100% Translated!
  2. No one here is translating it, the people at Mangagamer are. Telling us to hurry is useless since we can't do anything about it.
  3. You can transfer character levels/abilities if you use a Clear Save for use in other playthroughs
  4. The translator doesn't want to work on it unless a certain text bug is fixed *I am not even going to touch this at any point until the core double width text display issues (that BB1 and 2 shared) are taken care of.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8hdHlm3Uk0
  6. Apparently the translator of the AoKanata project mistakenly deleted the project and didn't have any backups so now he has to start from scratch.
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