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Everything posted by Lokes

  1. Hey guys, I need a little help about playing an eroge which keeps freezing. I am currently trying to play "妻の媚肉を弄る父の太い指 ~知らぬ間に父のモノになっていた愛妻(つま)は、悦びの喘ぎとともに腰をうねらせていた~" (https://vndb.org/v16915) The issue here is, that whenever I get to some kind of scene (I guess?) the game just freezes and all I can do is shut it down. This is the first time this happened. Other games do work properly. My guess here, is that it's about the "animated" scenes, anim games have.. but I am not really sure on how to fix that. Would be awesome if someone could help me out.
  2. Hey there, I've been wondering if this is the right section. If not, please don't behead me. Is there any chance that "Kashidashi Tsuma, Marina no "Netorase" Houkoku Binkan Tsuma to Zetsurin Daigakusei" and "Kashidashi Tsuma, Marina no "Netorase" Houkoku 2 Case. Moto AV Danyuu & Binkan Tsuma" by Atelier Sakura are going to be translated? Would be very awesome! I really appreciate your answers x)
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