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Download Comments posted by ultimecea

  1. Untitled.jpgUntitled2.jpgUntitled3.jpg


    from this you can see that

    im giving you guys the same working exe

    maybe...i think i know whats wrong

    try reinstall the game

    but this time run the no dvd exe once you finished installing

    meaning before you patch the translation


    then once the game is running fine

    quit to desktop and install the english patch

    you should get it this time

    this is what i did

  2. This no dvd exe doesn't work for me either, it just gives me the same old "please insert dvd" issue.

    Judging by what I've read in the comments, this issue with the crack seems to mainly effect people on windows 7 64 bit. I spent a few hours searching online for a solution, but every work around I've tried hasn't managed to get the the "insert dvd" screen to go away. Kind of given up on this one by now, too bad it looks like a good one :/


    i am using win 64

    oh well lets try this

    show me a screenie for your files

    let me see whats the difference between you and me

    i forgot what i i last time if theres something more

    since it runs fine for me with just the no dvd exe


    reinstalled everything and i just run my no dvd exe

    still working fine

  3. Hello, I'm new to playing visual novels so this problem may be very common and easy to fix but I need help fixing it - When I trying to run my ToHeart2.exe, the screen pops up but it's completely black.

    Any help?



    did you like installed it properly?


    and first thing first

    is your pc on jap locale?

  4. So, can anyone tell me why I get the error: "Please insert the correct CD-ROM, select OK and restart application" error when I try to run this game after mounting it with Deamon Tools? I tried doing the same process with the sequel to this game. That works and does allow me to start the installer, however this doesn't. I run Windows 7. The only differences in the two game folders are that DYLHB2 has a NoCD crack folder, a MDF and a MDS file, while DYLHB has a CCD file and a Disk Image File. I admit, those look like two very different file types for the different games, but I bet someone has gotten this to work and had the same problem. If so, please let me know! Thanks



    its simple >.>

    just patch over the stuff you get from the mounted image to the installation game file

    and itll work just fine

  5. Will I be able to go back the H-scenes after I beat all the routes, or do I have to save before every scene to watch it again? Im just asking because there is no extras or bonus thing on the main menu to view the CG. :confused:


    there is....

    after you finish a route~

  6. just start extracting when all parts are together...

    you'll get the whole data,,,

    and you just need to extract the patch inside the game folder and overwrite anything that pops up~

  7. during Tsumugu route, she mention something about a teddy bear suit passed down by the legendary beauty student council president that can perform 64 hit combo. I wonder if she's referring to Tomoyo from Clannad


    yes,,,,thats clannad's reference

    and..the game do have a few other reference~

  8. I asked friend what After Story is about and I based my opinion on that actually.


    dude...just read it for the sake of completing the story..

    then judge afterwards...

    After Story never about that bitchy Nagisa~

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