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ultimecea last won the day on November 4 2023

ultimecea had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

22 Excellent

About ultimecea

  • Rank
    Veteran Member
  • Birthday 05/07/1990

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  1. novelfull have limited webnovels that they leeched from. theres this readnovelfull.com which have more options and novels that you cant find at novelfull... lol
  2. You're the one being MIA like 7 years

  3. Long time no talk indeed

    There's no time for me to sit in sb anymore

    How's life?

  4. yeah, i guess so lol

  5. Long time no talk, hope everything is going well.

  6. DANDAN!!!!!

    You're alive???!!!


    How are you

  7. Ofc I am...

    Just too busy to even read VNs lately

    Too much WN and LN backlog

  8. ultimecea

    Master of the Harem Guild

    ivan this vn are the same no?
  9. max, you there??

  10. dandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandanda ndandandandandandand andandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandan dandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandanda ndandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandand andandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandan dandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandanda ndandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandand andandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandan dandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandanda ndandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandand andandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandan dandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandanda ndandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandand andandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandan dandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandanda ndandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandand andandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandan dandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandan!!!!

    Where are you, I miss my dandan

  11. oh this is a good one, i still enjoy reading some of the scenes again and again
  12. lol mostly its stuff bought by ivan or by some of our members here that we shared to the world most of time, localised stuff were stolen and reuploaded by other people so its safe to say, if we didnt have it, the world hardly get it for free
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