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Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai! (Majikoi)

  • Language: English

Kawakami City is famous for its strong dedication to its samurai ancestors. A strong fighting spirit is always valued and it's even an important factor in succeeding in school there.

Yamato, a second year student from Kawakami Highchool is always with his close friends (4 boys and 3 girls). They have known each other since they were young and have done loads of things together. They have many other friends, but this seven people is a close-knit group, they even have a secret base where they meet...

With the new semester, they welcome two girls into their group and shortly after things start to change...

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O.o........ Nice answer, seems pretty awesome, ill download it next.. If the new patch comes out I just need to aply it right?


for now just extract majikoi patch into your majikoi installation folder and play with majikoi english.exe

IIRC they would only make an exe installation file once they finish everything

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An other question em.. your post means that wanko's afterstory is untranslated? And do i need to play in some kind of "play this route and unlock the other one" game?


sorry, i mean wanko after story route has been translated along in latest patch



try this walkthrough (taken from majikoi forum at yandere, credited to eltony)


Majikoi 'As It Was Meant To Be' walkthrough Last major update: 12/03/2012

Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai walkthrough


Routes and save numbers in order of translated routes. Check last spoiler for an up-to-date list of what routes are and aren't translated.


Currently translated main routes:


Common route






Currently translated bonus routes:


Playable after beating more than two main routes:


Umeko-sensei (Unlocked after four beaten main routes)


Extra Stuff:


Hermit pseudo-route

List of translated and untranslated routes



Main routes:


Common route


Choose choices marked with [ ] for for super secret optional choice to get raped by a man at 5/3


If you chose to do this, at 5/3 choose 2 for Bad End choose 1 to continue the story, you won't miss any CG if you skip this.




4/2 3. Depends on the girl


4/21 2. Sleep


2. Shut up, Mt. Fuji


1. Listen to the Radio


4/22 3. Product that sells and leaves an impression


4/23 4. Look at Chika [5.I even look at men]


4/24 2. Try to get it out of her


1. I'm in favor of it


3. Jump into Gakuto's arms [3.Jump into Gakuto's arms]


4/25 1. Go check it out (1. is more funny 2. is more ero)


4/27 2. Talk with Ogasawara-san


4/28 3. Make her tell a joke to break the ice (All great 3.>1.>2.)


1. Listen to the radio


4/29 1. Praise her


5/1 4. Go to class 2-S


1. His hand, duh [2.His chest is so big...]


5/3 4. Play a game with Momoyo and Moro


5/4 1. Put the bait on for Mayucchi


5/5 1. I understand




Save #1




Load save #1


5/7 Mayucchi


3.Wake him up


5/8 Stay at home


5/11 Mayucchi


1.MgD (Doesn't matter at all)


5/12 Stay at home


5/13 Mayucchi




5/14 Mayucchi




5/15 Stay at home


5/18 Stay at home


5/19 Mayucchi


5/9 3.You can look at me


6/11 Save #2


4. It's the first day I saw a pussy.


1. Eat


6/13 5.Blue Spring! (Girls manga)


6/17 2.Kuroi Suso (Time Limit!!!)


6/19 2.Talk to her like a yankee


7/7 1.We're just friends


1.Go to the festival with Jun Touma and Koyuki (3. is slightly amusing)


7/31 1.I refuse! (2. for bad end)


8/5 3.I have to go peek on them


Mayucchi End




For CG


Load #2


6/11 3.Noodles Day




6/13 5.Blue Spring! (Girls manga)


6/17 2.Kuroi Suso


6/19 2.Talk to her like a yankee


7/7 1.It's like we're going out


1.Go to the festival with Jun Touma and Koyuki


7/31 1.I refuse!


8/5 3 .I have to go peek on them




In the title screen go to Extra>After story for the after story





Load #1


5/7 Stay at home


5/8 Chris


5/11 Stay at home


5/12 Stay at home


5/13 Chris


5/14 Stay at home


5/15 Chris


5/18 Chris


5/19 Stay at home


5/20 Stay at home


5/21 Chris


2.Just watch


5/22 Chris


5/25 Chris


3.I'm the one who's after Chris


5/26 Chris


5/27 Stay at home


5/28 Stay at home


5/29 Chris


6/1 Chris


6/8 1.I prefer bare legs (3. for bad end)


6/10 1.Okay!


6/17 2.Encourage her


6/19 2.Fushikawa Kokoro


6/23 2.Get rid of the cockroach


6/27 1.Go along with him


7/2 2.Good evening, dad


7/3 1.Yell and shake her (4. is more ero)


7/5 1.I don't understand, so skip to the end


7/8 1.I'm for it


3.I don't care either way


7/18 2.But I try not use it often


1.Crap! S-She's crying!!


7/31 3.Twenty Consecutive Groping


8/18 1.Okay. Ahhh.


8/19 3.Laze around under a tree (1. is very funny)


2.Let's split the bill


1.Love Typhoon No.19 (Romance)


8/23 1.Don't break up with Chris (2. for bad end)


8/26 1.I would never give her up!! (2. for bad end(the same one))


9/3 1.Exchange phone numbers with him


11/3 2.Have a threesome with all my might(!!!!) (Best ero-scene ever can be skipped with 1.)


11/18 2.Don't give up on Chris (1. for bad end(again the same one))




Chris doesn't have an After Story





Load #1


5/7 Momoyo


5/8 Momoyo


1.I'll pay it back with my body


5/11 Momoyo


5/12 Momoyo


2.That sounds good too


5/13 Stay at home


5/14 Stay at home


5/15 Momoyo


3.Let's tease her (1. is sweet)


5/18 Momoyo


5/19 Stay at home


5/20 Stay at home


5/21 Momoyo


3.Hit him with the pitch (2. is also funny)


1.I'm interested in Nee-san


2.It's fun for me too to be with Nee-san


6/8 1.How outlandish!


6/10 2.I want to be let go


6/13 2.I'm not interested


6/19 2.Hold on it's too early!!


2.Hold on it's too early!!


1.Now. I'll type up something and send it


6/25 2.Nothing's going on


6/29 1.Live with all my might (2. for bad end)


7/2 2.Don't tell them everything


7/4 1.Capt (Just choose your favorite character)


7/5 Save #3


2.You look great in those clothes


1.Buy a steamed shark fin bun


1.Have her look


4.Peach juice




7/7 2.Force her to be with me


1.Catch him (Time limit!!! This one's tricky. Put your cursor on the lowest character on the banner in the background when they start talking about a goldfish and get ready!)


7/9 1.Buy SR1 (Kawakami Momoyo)


7/13 5.Wado Kaichin coins


7/14 3.CFE (Conventional Armed Forces in Europe)


7/16 1.I cannot sleep because the room next door is too noisy.


7/28 2.Entertainment


2.Romance within the group


3.Hold her hand (Time limit!!!)


8/11 2.I want to suppress that impulse


8/12 3.Think outside the box and offer to bathe together(Time limit!!!)


8/31 1.Let's do this, everyone!


1.Kazuko's fight at the central front


Momoyo End




For Bad End


Load #3


7/5 3.Don't say needless things


2.Go to restaurant as planned


2.Don't have her look


3.Black coffee




7/7 1.Let her do what she wants


Let the time run out


7/9 2.Wait and see


7/13 4.Linden dollars


7/14 2.ZIP (Internet Common Language)


7/16 5.The girl next door would not talk to me.


7/28 5.Erotic talk


8/11 1.I don't mind


8/12 3.Think outside the box and offer to bathe together(Time limit!!!)


8/31 1.Let's do this, everyone!


1.Kazuko's fight at the central front




In the title screen go to Extra>After story for the after story







Load #1


5/7 Kazuko


5/8 Kazuko


3. Just bring me gyoza!!


5/11 Stay at home


5/12 Kazuko


5/13 Kazuko


5/14 Kazuko


5/15 Stay at home


5/18 Stay at home


5/19 Kazuko


6/8 1. Corporate employee


6/10 2. Don't be so cocky


6/18 1. Socially get rid of him


6/21 1. Go faster


6/24 1. Leave it to me


6/27 1. Go all out


1. Go for breaking pitches


6/28 2. Love Typhoon No. 19 (Romance) (2. is cute 3. is funny)


7/7 1. Go with Wanko


1. Wipe it off with a tissue


7/22 1. Wanko (2. and 3. for a little bit of swimsuit goodness 4. is funny)


8/2 1. Leave him alone (He finally gets a serious part so you shouldn't tease him)


8/3 3. 20th Century Men (Choose a manga you know, I only got the joke in 3.)


8/15 1. It'll work. I believe in it


8/31 1. Give it your best


9/3 2. We shouldn't leave her alone


9/7 1. I'm going out with Kazuko now


9/11 2. Leave it to her


9/15 2. I'll squeeze them and make them bigger (1. is too cheesy and unnatural)


9/16 2. Be steady and go at my own pace to pass it to the girls


1. Go peep at the 2-S bath (You'll thank me)


Save #4


3. Wait and see


Kazuko End




For CG




1. Trust my instincts and get out of the ceiling (You'd regret not doing this so: DO IT!!!)




In the title screen go to Extra>After story for the after story



Bonus Routes:




Load #1


5/7 Stay at home


5/8 Stay at home


5/11 Stay at home


5/12 Stay at home


5/13 Stay at home


5/14 Umeko-sensei (She'll dissappear and then choose to stay at home)


5/15 Umeko-sensei (She'll dissappear and then choose to stay at home)


5/18 Stay at home


5/19 Umeko-sensei


5/20 Stay at home


5/21 Stay at home


5/22 Umeko-sensei


5/25 Stay at home


5/26 Stay at home


5/27 Stay at home


5/28 Stay at home


5/29 Umeko-sensei


6/1 Stay at home


6/2 Umeko-sensei


Umeko-sensei End





Extra Stuff:


Hermit Pseudo-Route:


Load #1


5/7 Stay at home


5/8 Stay at home


5/11 Stay at home


5/12 Stay at home


5/13 Stay at home


5/14 Stay at home


5/15 Stay at home


5/18 Stay at home


5/19 Stay at home


5/20 Stay at home


5/21 Stay at home


5/22 Stay at home


5/25 Stay at home


5/26 Stay at home


5/27 Stay at home


5/28 Stay at home


5/29 Stay at home


6/1 Stay at home


6/2 Stay at home


6/3 Stay at home


6/4 Stay at home


6/5 Stay at home







Enter the tutorial twenty times to hear all the different variations of them welcoming you to the tutorial.


List of translated and untranslated routes


There are the main routes, the bonus routes, the true(Agave) route and the Hermit pseudo-route(This one's very freaky).


Main routes:


Common route (Translated and released)

Mayucchi (Translated and released)

Chris (Translated and released)

Momoyo (Translated and released)

Wanko (Translated and released)

Miyako (Currently being translated thus unreleased)


Bonus routes:


Unlocked after one completed main route:


Gakuto (Untranslated thus unreleased)

Capt (Untranslated thus unreleased)

Moro (Untranslated thus unreleased)


Unlocked after more than two completed main routes:

(Between brackets how much main routes need to be beaten to unlock the route)


Chika (3) (Untranslated thus unreleased)

Umeko (4) (Translated and released)

Mayo (5) (Untranslated thus unreleased)


True route:


True Route (Untranslated thus unreleased)


Hermit Pseudo-Route:


Hermit Route (Translated and released)

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you know and i know..

but i prefer for him to realise his errors in steps~

dont meant that im not helping..just wondering which steps that he followed and try to guide him from there



lol ulti, he's not

sadkun or mare nadeshiko


i'm just trying to be a nice sempai here :D

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An other question em.. your post means that wanko's afterstory is untranslated? And do i need to play in some kind of "play this route and unlock the other one" game?
Of the translated routes, only the teacher route has any requirements at all. Being the completion of atleast 4 of the main character routes, which you can actually do in English since the Wanko patch was released.


Mostly it's just side-routes that are 'unlocked' by playing the main character routes. The only major exception to this being the True end, but it makes a lot of sense to require you to do all the main character routes before doing it anyway.

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u could always download a already saved file and put it into ur folder, that way u can just replay the teacher's route....that...hot...teacher...


i agree with you, she's hot!!

dunno who's "bigger", her or momoyo....lol

too bad she's only a side character though...i hope they would make her into one of the main heroine in the the next majikoi series...

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Yes, Tsubame :)



oh snap theres new hscenes for margit






margit is hot!!

i like her better that kiri-kichi tbh

but i wouldn't mind

their threesome


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Could someone please give me a clear guide in installing? So far I've mounted the images and downloaded the english patch but when I try to install the game via the japanese set up I get a error part way through and when I try to run via the english one it says please insert disc 2.


I don't know about the error message, but I was also getting the message to insert disc 2, it took me awhile to figure it out but what you need to do is unzip the disc 2 MDF file, in it should be several files, move those files into the disc1 folder and you should be able to run it.

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This is honestly one of the best VN's ive played in the longest time, just downloaded a few days ago and I am addicted. I usually speed read through the story but First time in a very long time i have taken my time and read everything. The characters are well developed you feel a connection to all the characters and get invested in the story.


Momoyo is my favorite playthrough so far. I love older sister relationship they have and having to convice the all powerful girl to be yours.

My second favorite character is Miyako, her antics are great. Wanna make the sad gloomy girl Happy! Cant wait for her fully translated route, i feel bad for crushing her love everytime i play another characters route.

Anyone know an estimated release for the translation of miyako? i read somewhere it was march of 2012 but the date got pushed back. Hopefully soon is all i can say.

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This is honestly one of the best VN's ive played in the longest time, just downloaded a few days ago and I am addicted. I usually speed read through the story but First time in a very long time i have taken my time and read everything. The characters are well developed you feel a connection to all the characters and get invested in the story.


Momoyo is my favorite playthrough so far. I love older sister relationship they have and having to convice the all powerful girl to be yours.

My second favorite character is Miyako, her antics are great. Wanna make the sad gloomy girl Happy! Cant wait for her fully translated route, i feel bad for crushing her love everytime i play another characters route.

Anyone know an estimated release for the translation of miyako? i read somewhere it was march of 2012 but the date got pushed back. Hopefully soon is all i can say.


that march 2012 was because they expect miyako's route was translated first..

well..curretly it was roughly near 40% or so...and i dont expect it to be out till november the latest...

since taka-jun and crew are having real life problems at the moment..

and i cant check their updates since YandereTranslation webpage are out at the moment~~

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Got another question and sorry for asking too much xD, is there a "installation guide" for this game (like hoshizora)?


there is no installation guide,just make sure your system is in japanese while installing and playing

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Got another question and sorry for asking too much xD, is there a "installation guide" for this game (like hoshizora)?
If I remember right it was just a standard mounting of Discs, installing the game, then copying and pasting of the patch files to where you installed the game.
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Hey Ive been trying to install this game but i keep getting an error message when i do. Ive changed the region to japan, and updated my direct x, so im not sure what the problem is. Here is a screenshot of the error.



I have this guy same problem and everything is in japannese (I'm using winxp btw)

EDIT: just realizd that my "language for unicode programs is not in jappanesse, and I do not own a windows xp professional disc that it isays it need to change ita D:!

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I have this guy same problem and everything is in japannese (I'm using winxp btw)

EDIT: just realizd that my "language for unicode programs is not in jappanesse, and I do not own a windows xp professional disc that it isays it need to change ita D:!


well, if you don't want to change your OS to 7 Ultimate then i suggest you google xp with sp3 (i'm still using this and haven't found any problems playing eroge so far)

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well, if you don't want to change your OS to 7 Ultimate then i suggest you google xp with sp3 (i'm still using this and haven't found any problems playing eroge so far)


Ehm what do you mean by xp sp3?

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Ehm what do you mean by xp sp3?


from wiki:A service pack (in short SP) is a collection of updates, fixes or enhancements to a software program delivered in the form of a single installable package. Companies often release a service pack when the number of individual patches to a given program reaches a certain (arbitrary) limit. Installing a service pack is easier and less error-prone than installing a high number of patches individually, even more so when updating multiple computers over a network.


sp3 is the latest version of microsoft windows xp

you can grab from this link Download Windows XP Service Pack 3: XP SP3 (final release) Windows Drivers - Software Patch.


look for this on how to change your unicode FAQ | Eroge Download


How To install East Asian language files on your computer Microsoft Corporation


i don't know if you can install language pack without cd though...

can't you just borrow xp cd from your friends?

or you can just google for xp sp3 download.....



update :

you could also try this link to dl i386 lang folder for windows xp http://www.torrentportal.com/details/3454399

from iso hunt http://isohunt.com/torrent_details/120270033/?tab=summary

note: this only contain the i386 folder for language pack

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I think that will work :D the only bad thing right now is that I don't have internet (using mobile phone) so I can't download anything of the sort

EDIT: in one of those sites you recommended, someone said something about applocale, and aplication. Running on desperation for not having internet I was just going up and down in my programs folder and out oof nowhere I found applocale and I think that wil work :'D....

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