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Marshmallow All the Way Home

  • Language: English, Japanese, Chinese

“Hey, are you all right?”

Kanon held out her hand to Ryou, who had collapsed on the ground in the park. Left without a home after being kicked out, he was taken in by her and given a place to stay in exchange for working at her pâtisserie, “Marshmallow Tree”. The shop had been very popular before she had become the owner, but now it doesn’t get many customers due to a change in opening hours and the arrival of a famous competitor nearby.

He was able to liven up the shop a bit with the help of others, but his relationships with them also got more complicated at the same time. Every day is full of chaos, with unexpected events happening one after the other. What will happen to him and the shop? It is the beginning of sweet and fluffy marshmallow days.

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Edit: January 18th, 2020 7:38 AM EST

This title specifically needs English region settings on you PC to work properly. It will still run on Japanese but encounters several non-game-breaking annoyances if you do so. See two posts down for my full explanation of why.


To anyone else reading this, am I right in thinking that reference to phantom thieves stealing hearts during the scene where the protagonist meets the character Jake Honjo is a reference to the game Persona 5?


(Side note, I THINK the for mentioned scene is still in the common route, but there is a non-zero chance it is in Raiha Raikkonen's route. I'm still in my first play through so I'm not absolutely sure about that yet.)

Edited by Outpost Omega J
Added comment about PC region settings.
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So why is not JC the fifth Heroine? I just finally completed the (long ass) common route and she is no minor character that only shows up for a handful of scenes. Given that start, I could readily see her being given her own route.

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MAKE SURE YOU ARE IN REGION SETTINGS ARE SET TO U.S. ENGLISH! (Or at least not Japanese. Other English region settings may or may not work.)


I typically leave my computer set to Japanese because it 99.9% of the time it doesn't negatively effect anything and some VN's require it, even when they are the official English release. Point in case, the VN Study Steady, also made by the company Marmalade, the company behind this VN, was one such instance of the English version having issues when your region settings weren't set to Japanese (that may or may not have to do with the fact we are using a pirated version with a crack file to bypass the DRM, I don't have enough of an understanding to say why for certain). This title falls into the 0.1% case that it actually needs your region settings specifically on English (again, may or my not be due to pirated/cracked version).


When playing on Japanese region settings, several things do not "save" between play sessions. The VNs settings (i.e. Full screen versus windows, volume controls for individual characters etc.) always reset to the default when you start up the next time. The gallery (where you can review CG's and H-scenes) keeps emptying out. "Read" text becomes "Unread" text in relation to the skip command.


Your actual save files persist, but will only work while in the region settings your computer was under when you made the save. I.E., my files aren't showing up now that my computer is running in English mode, but I assume they'll show up again when I next switch my computer Japanese again.



I would like to request you add a brief footnote to the description area above noting that you specifically NEED English regions settings for this title. (I "edited" this post once to fix a few typos and grammatical errors. If that created a double flag from "at"Ivan command, I apologize.)

Edited by Outpost Omega J
Typo/Gramatical fixes
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Very minor spoiler regarding a link between this VN and both "Primal Hearts" VNs. In fact, I'm not even sure this actually counts a spoiler, but I'll put in a spoiler box just to be absolutely safe.


In Raiha Räikkönen's route (the only route I've played to completion as of when I wrote this), Raiha and the Protagonist visit a cafe at one point. It is strongly implied that the cafe's owner/manage is the same person who's runs the cafe frequented by the all the main characters' in both "Primal Hearts" VNs, though it is not directly confirmed. The BG image is the same for the cafe from "Primal Hearts" and it certainly sounds like the same voice actor, but no character sprite is used (thankfully, as anybody who has played either "Primal Hearts" hopefully agrees with me).


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Fun Fact: If you pay attention to the VN's Logo that shows up from time to time between scenes, you'll notice a sub-title in obnoxiously small print (It's technically in the box cover art on this very page up above, but forget reading it, unless you know what your looking at, you can't even recognize it as text.) I FINALLY managed to parse what it says. For anyone who cares, it reads "I'll find my way home".

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On 1/17/2022 at 6:34 AM, Outpost Omega J said:

So why is not JC the fifth Heroine? I just finally completed the (long ass) common route and she is no minor character that only shows up for a handful of scenes. Given that start, I could readily see her being given her own route.

just like in other games from them

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