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Outpost Omega J

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Outpost Omega J last won the day on June 3

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About Outpost Omega J

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    The Time Stamper (Retired)

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  1. The near complete lack of grammar or punctuation is making it difficult to understand you, or even determine if you are a native English speaker or speak some other language. Honestly, you look like a bad spam bot. This is a fan translation project, not an official English port of the game. Did you set your computer's Unicode Regions Settings to Japanese? You usually need to do that for fan translations, as the core program is still a piece of Japanese software. Basic outline of how to change your computer's region settings in Windows 10. Other Windows versions SHOULD b
  2. I'm not sure what trouble you're having with it. I downloaded all 7 parts of the .rar files under the free download tab. I used WinRar to extract the archive. Place the resulting folder somewhere convenient. Run the file "amanatu.exe". You should be good to go.
  3. Not here. 98% English versions only here. Onegai Naisho ni Shite ne SS part 2 is only Japanese.
  4. Can't speak for others, but I appreciate keeping my purchase consolidated through a single interface. If it wasn't available on steam, then I would likely have bought it through a different vendor, but since it's on steam and I can use the patch, no need to go creating, and therefore managing, ANOTHER account and password. I'm guessing "AX" in a common shorthand for some sort of convention, but I don't follow the social side of things all that much. What does "AX" stand for?
  5. Vndb.org says a fan translation exists, and up at the top of this page, just to the right of the date when this page was published, there is an "Language: English" tag, so this SHOULD be the English version here.
  6. PSA: Shiravune has a newer version the of patch file for this title than what Ivan used in this upload (Version 1.0.1 instead of 1.0.0).
  7. I'm getting slightly conflicting information about the plot of the VN Saint Dorei Gakuen. Some sources I've found seem to indicate that this is your classic corrupt school with a perverted teacher who kidnaps unwilling female students. If that is the case, hard pass on this title for me. Other sources seem to suggest that female students enrolled in this school knowingly and willingly, expecting to be trained into slaves, whether eagerly or reluctantly is another question. If this is the case, this title is just far enough from the norm that I might actually take a second look at it.
  8. FYI: Just for future reference, notice the "*" around the title Miagete Goran, Yozora no Hoshi o: Interstellar Focus in the list above. That's how you can tell which title the picture came from.
  9. It should be Haru from the VN Karenai Sekai to Owaru Hana. FYI: For future reference, note that littleshogun, the person who posts and maintains these translation status lists, surrounded that title in the list with asterisks(*). That's how you can tell what VN the picture comes from. I just checked the list of characters on vndb.org against the picture to ID the character.
  10. So we're waiting on the release date for the release date? 🙄
  11. As I don't know what that is, I can't say one way or the other. Given that no one else has responded, I'm assuming the answer is no. If you haven't already, try checkout the Visual Novel Database (vndb.org). It is a publicly maintained wiki cataloguing most Visual Novels in existence. Try using the in-site search bar, and failing that try a google search to the effect of "vndb.org <KEY WORDS>". Sorry I couldn't be more help.
  12. Is this the game in question? https://vndb.org/v21269 If so, this guide came from the Steam Community website (subset of the Steam video game online store) Paradise: ALL Endings Guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3259915147
  13. Quality assurance missed this one (presumably by the original Japanese production staff, as it graphic related, not language/translation related). So does anybody else notice the screw up in this picture? For those who can't figure it out, the error is detailed in the spoiler box below.
  14. Who is to say it was sudden? Maybe it took them 34 years to translate it.
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