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Divi-Dead - Walkthrough

  • Language: English

Day 1

Ranmaru's first day of class; its sure to be uneventful, right?



(Ranmaru awakes in his room)


- Go out to the balcony/Go out to the hallway (Either)

- Go out to the hallway

- Go outside


(Automatically moved to the Main Building)


- Go to Ishii Hall

- Go to the Cafeteria

- Return to Ishii Hall

- Go to the Main Building

- Go to the gym

- Return to the Main Building

- Go to the Main Field (Automatically returned to Main Building)

- Go to the Library

- Return to the Main Building

- Go to Ishii Hall -] Visit the Dean's Office

- Go to the Main Building

- Go to the Library

- Go to the Main Field

- Return to the Main Building

- Go to Ishii Hall -] Visit the Roof

Visit the Third Floor

Visit the Second Floor

Visit the First Floor

- Go to the Cafeteria

- Return to Ishii Hall

- Go to the Main Building

- Go to the Gym

- Return to the Main Building

- Go to the Library

- Return to the Main Building

- Go to Ishii Hall -] Visit the Dean's Office



(Azusa takes Ranmaru to his classroom on the third floor of the Main Building.)


- (In the Main Building) -] Visit the Second Floor

Visit the First Floor

Go outside

- Go to the Promenade

- Go to Wood Field

- Go to the Girls' Dorm

- Go to the Library -] Choose to visit another place

- Go to Ishii Hall -] Visit the Roof

Visit the Third Floor

Go outside

- Go to the Boys' Dorm -] Go out to the balcony

Go outside

- Go to the Library -] (Automatically moved inside)

Go to the Reading Room

Return to the Lobby

Go outside

Choose to visit another place

- Go to Ishii Hall -] Visit the Third Floor

Go outside


[highlight]First Scenario[/highlight] [highlight]Second Scenario[/highlight]

Visit Ishii Hall -] Second Floor Visit Ishii Hall -] Roof


- (Still in Ishii Hall) -] Visit Third Floor

Go outside

- Go to the Main Field

- Go to the W.C.

- Go to the Girls' Dorm

- Go to the Promenade

- Go to Wood Field

- Go to the Gym

- Go to the Main Building -] Visit the Third Floor

Visit the Second Floor

Visit the Third Floor

Go outside

- Go to the Cafeteria

- Go to the Library -] Go inside

Go outside

Choose to visit another place

- Visit the Boys' Dorm -] Go out to the balcony

Go outside

- Go to Ishii Hall -] Visit the Nurse's Office

Visit the Dean's Office

Visit the Second Floor

Visit the Third Floor and the Tea Ceremony Club

Visit the Roof

Go outside


(Evening comes after the next move)


- Go to the Main Building -] (Automatically moved to the Second Floor)

Visit the Third Floor

Visit the First Floor


[highlight]First Scenario[/highlight] [highlight]Second Scenario[/highlight]

Spy Stop



- (Automatically moved back to the main building) -] Go outside

- Go to the Main Field

- Go to the Library -] Go inside

Visit the Reading Room

Return to the Lobby

Go outside

Choose to visit another place

- Go to Ishii Hall -] Visit the Nurse's Office

Visit the Third Floor and the Tea Ceremony Club

Go outside

- Go to the Cafeteria

- Go to the Boys' Dorm -] Go outside

- Go to Ishii Hall -] Visit the Roof

Visit the First Floor

Go outside

- Go to the Main Building -] Visit the Second Floor

Visit the First Floor

Go outside


- Go to Wood Field

- Go to the Library -] Go inside

Go outside

Choose to visit another place

- Go to Ishii Hall -] Visit the Roof

Visit the Second Floor

Go outside

- Go to the Boys' Dorm -] Go out on the balcony

Go outside

- Go to the Cafeteria

- Go to the Boys' Dorm -] (Automatically moved outside)

- Go to the Library -] Choose to visit another place

- Go to the Cafeteria


[highlight]First Scenario[/highlight] [highlight]Second Scenario[/highlight]

Go to Wood Field Go to the Main Building -] First Floor


- Go to the Main Building -] Visit the Second Floor

Visit the Third Floor

Go outside

- Go to Ishii Hall -] Visit the Roof

Visit the Third Floor

Visit the Second Floor

Go outside

- Go to the Cafeteria

- Go to Wood Field

- Go to the Promenade

- Go to the Girls' Dorm

- Go to the W.C.

- Go to the Main Field

- Go to the Cafeteria

- Go to the Library -] Choose to visit another place

- Go to the Main Building -] Visit the Third Floor

Visit the Second Floor

Go outside

- Go to the Gym

- Go to the Library

- (Automatically moved to the Main Building)

- (Automatically moved to the Gym)

- (Automatically moved to the Promenade)

- (Automatically moved to the Boys' Dorm)


Ranmaru spends the rest of the night fooling around in the dorm.

Day 2

Thankfully, no hangover for Ranmaru.



(Ranmaru awakes in his room, automatically moved to the hallway.)


- (Still in the Boys' Dorm) -] Visit Yuta's Room

Visit Kimihito's Room

Go outside

Visit My Room and go out on the balcony

Go outside

- (Automatically moved to the W.C.)

- (Automatically moved to the Promenade)

- (Automatically moved into the woods)

- (Automatically moved to Wood Field)


[highlight]First Scenario[/highlight] [highlight]Second Scenario[/highlight]

Go to the gym Go to the Main Building


- (Automatically moved to Ishii Hall and the Nurse's Office)

- (Automatically moved to the Dean's Office)

- (Automatically moved to class)


- (Already inside the Main Building) -] Go outside

- Go to the Promenade

- Go to Ishii Hall -] Visit the Dean's Office

Go outside

- Go to Wood Field -] Explore Deeper into the woods

(Automatically return to Wood Field)

Choose to visit another place

- Go to Ishii Hall -] Visit the Roof

Go outside

- Go to the W.C.

- Go to Ishii Hall -] Visit the Second Floor and the Art Room

Go outside

- Go to the Cafeteria

- Go to Ishii Hall -] Visit the Second Floor and the Art Room

Go outside

- Go to the Main Building -] Visit the Second Floor

Visit the Third Floor

Go outside

- Go to the Promenade

- Go to Wood Field -] Choose to visit another place

- Go to the Main Building -] Visit the Second Floor

Visit the Third Floor

Visit the Second Floor

Go outside


[highlight]First Scenario[/highlight] [highlight]Second Scenario[/highlight]

Go to Ishii Hall -] Second Floor Go to Ishii Hall -] Roof

Art Room



- (In Ishii Hall) -] Visit the Third Floor

Visit the First Floor and the Dean's Office

Visit the Third Floor

Go outside

- Go to Wood Field -] Choose to visit another place

- Go to the Library -] Choose to visit another place

- Go to Ishii Hall -] Visit the Third Floor and the Tea Ceremony Club

(Automatically moved to the Roof)

Visit the Third Floor and the Tea Ceremony Club

Go outside

- Go to the Library -] Go inside

Visit the Reading Room

Go to the Lobby

Go outside

Choose to visit another place

- Go to Ishii Hall -] Visit the Dean's Office

Go outside

- Go to the Gym

- Go to Wood Field -] Choose to visit another place

- Go to the Library -] Go inside

Go outside

Choose to visit another place

- Go to the Main Building - Visit the Third Floor

Visit the Second Floor

Go outside


- Go to Ishii Hall -] Visit the Second Floor

Go outside

- Go to Wood Field -] Go deeper into the woods

Return to Wood Field

Choose to visit another place

- Go to the Library -] Go inside

Visit the Reading Room

Return to the Lobby

Go outside

Choose to visit another place

- Go to Boys' Dorm -] Go outside

- Go to the Main Building -] Go outside


[highlight]First Scenario[/highlight] [highlight]Second Scenario[/highlight]

Go to the Gym Go to Ishii Hall -] Third Floor

Tea Ceremony Club

Go outside



- Go to the Promenade

- Go to the Girls' Dorm

- Go to the Boys' Dorm -] Go outside

- Go to the Main Field

- Go to the Main Building -] Visit the Third Floor

Visit the Second Floor

Visit the First Floor

Go outside

- Go to the Cafeteria

- Go to the Gym

- Go to Wood Field -] Choose to visit another place

- Go to Ishii Hall -] Visit the Nurse's Office

Visit the Dean's Office

Visit the Second Floor

Visit the Third Floor and the Tea Ceremony Club

Visit the Roof

Go outside

- Go to the W.C.

- Go to the Main Building



- Go to Wood Field -] Choose to visit another place


[highlight]First Scenario[/highlight] [highlight]Second Scenario[/highlight]

Go to the Library Lobby Go to Ishii Hall -] Nurse's Office

(Auto to the Reading Room) Go to the Library -] Go inside

Go outside (Automatically moved to reading room)

Go to Ishii Hall -] Nurse's Office (Automatically moved to the lobby)


- (Wherever you are) -] Go outside

- Go to the Cafeteria

- Go to the Gym

- Go to Wood Field -] Choose to visit another place

- Go to the Boys' Dorm

- Go to Ishii Hall -] Visit the Dean's Office

Go outside

- Go to the Boys' Dorm -] Go outside

- Go to the Promenade

- (Automatically into the woods and back to the Promenade)

- (Automatically to the Girls' Dorm and back to the Promenade)

- Go to the Boys' Dorm


Ranmaru falls asleep and dreams.


Day 3

Ranmaru awakes the next day.



- (In the Boys' Dorm) -] (Automatically moved out to the balcony)

Go outside

- Go to the Main Field

- Go to the W.C.

- Go to the Library -] Go inside

Choose to visit another place

- Go to the Promenade

- Go to Wood Field -] Choose to visit another place

- Go to the Gym

- Go to the Cafeteria

- Go to the Library -] Go inside

(Automatically moved to the Reading Room)



- (In the Reading Room) -] Go to the Lobby

Go outside

Choose to visit another place

- Go to Ishii Hall -] Visit the Dean's Office

Go outside

- Go to the Promenade

- Go to the Library -] Go inside

Visit the Reading Room

Return to the Lobby

Go outside

Choose to visit another place

- Go to Ishii Hall -] Visit the Roof

Visit the Third Floor and the Tea Ceremony Club

Go outside

- Go to the W.C.

- Go to Ishii Hall -] Visit the Roof

Go outside

- Go to the Cafeteria

- Go to the Main Building -] Visit the Second Floor

Visit the Third Floor

Visit the Second Floor

Visit the Third Floor

Go outside

- Go to the Girls' Dorm

- Go to the Promenade

- Go to Wood Field -] Venture deeper into the woods

Return to Wood Field

Choose to visit another place

- Go to Ishii Hall -] Visit the Roof

Visit the Third Floor

Visit the Second Floor

Visit the First Floor and the Dean's Office

Go outside



- Go to the Boys' Dorm -] (Automatically moved to Yuta's Room)

Go outside

- Go to the Main Building -] Visit the Third Floor

Visit the Second Floor

Visit the First Floor

Go outside

- Go back into the Main Building -] Visit the Third Floor

Go outside

- Go to the Girls' Dorm

- Go to the Main Field

- Go to the Gym

- Go to the Main Field

- Go to the Gym

- Go to the W.C.

- Go to the Boys' Dorm -] Go outside

- Go to the Library -] Go inside

Visit the Reading Room

Return to the Lobby

Go outside

Check the parking lot

Choose to visit another place

- Go to Ishii Hall -] Visit the Roof

(Automatically moved to the Second Floor)

(Automatically moved in the Art Room)

(Automatically moved to the First Floor)

Return to the Second Floor

(Automatically moved to the Nurse's Office)

Go outside

- Go to the Boys' Dorm



- (In my room) -] Go out on the balcony

Go outside

- Go to the Main Field

- Go to the Library -] Go inside

Visit the Reading Room

Return to the Lobby

Go outside

Choose to visit another place

- Go to the Main Building -] Go outside

- Go to the Boys' Dorm -] Go outside

- Go to the Gym

- Go to the Main Building -] Go outside

- Go to Ishii Hall -] Visit the Dean's Office

(Automatically go back out)

Go into the Dean's Office again

Go outside

- Go to the Main Building -] Go outside

- Go to the Library -] Go inside

Go outside

Choose to visit another place

- Go to the Main Building

- Go to the Library -] Choose to visit another place

- Go to the Main Building

- (Automatically moved to Wood Field) -] (Auto moved deeper into the woods)


Ranmaru sleeps in Yuko's cottage.


Day 4

Looks like Ranmaru slept in.


- (Automatically moved to the woods)

- (Automatically moved to Wood Field)

- Go to the Main Building -] Go outside

- Go to Ishii Hall -] Visit the Nurse's Office

Visit the Dean's Office

Go outside

- Go to the Anekohji Mansion -] Enter the cottage

Leave the room

Choose to visit another place

- Go to the Main Building -] Visit the Third Floor

Visit the Second Floor

Go outside

- Go to the Cafeteria

- Go to the Main Building -] Go outside

- Go to the Main Field

- Go to the Promenade

- Go to Ishii Hall -] Visit the Roof

Visit the Third Floor

Visit the Roof

Go outside

- Go to the Library

- Go to the Anekohji Mansion -] Enter the cottage

Leave the room

Choose to visit another place

- Go to the Boys' Dorm -] Go out on the balcony

Go outside

- Go to the W.C.


- Go to the Anekohji Mansion -] Enter the cottage

Leave the room

Choose to visit another place

- Go to the Library

- Go to Ishii Hall -] Visit the Dean's Office

Visit the Nurse's Office

Visit the Second Floor

Visit the Third Floor

Visit the Roof

Go outside

- Go to the Main Building -] Visit the Third Floor

Go outside

- Go to the Anekohji Mansion -] Choose to visit another place

- Go to the Boys' Dorm -] Go outside

- Go to Ishii Hall -] Visit the Third Floor, (Auto to Tea Ceremony Club)

Go outside


- Go to the Library -] Go inside

(Automatically moved to the Reading Room)

Return to the Lobby

Go outside

Choose to visit another place

- Go to the Promenade

- Go to Ishii Hall -] Visit the Third Floor

Visit the Roof

Go outside

- Go to the Main Building -] Visit the Third Floor

Visit the Second Floor

Go outside

- Go to the Anekohji Mansion -] Enter the cottage

Leave the room

Choose to visit another place

- Go to Wood Field

- Go to the Promenade

- Go to the Gym

- Go to Ishii Hall -] Visit the Third Floor

Go outside

- Go to the Main Building -] Go outside

- Go to the Boys' Dorm -] (Automatically moved to the balcony)

Go outside

- Go to the Library -] (Automatically moved inside)

- (Automatically moved outside)

- (Automatically moved to the Main Building)

- (Automatically moved to Wood Field)

- (Automatically moved to the Promenade)

- (Automatically moved to Wood Field)

- (Automatically moved to the Main Building)


Several scenes play out before the end of the day, ending with an

appearance by Yuko.

Day 5

Ranmaru escapes from the cavern. At this point he no longer has his

map, so all location choices are from a menu.




- Choose to go to the school

- Choose to go to the walking path (Promenade)

- Go to the Main Building

- Go to Ishii Hall -] Visit the Dean's Office

Visit the Second Floor

Visit the Third Floor

Go to the First Floor

- Go to the Main Building

- Go to Wood Field

- Go to Anekohji Mansion -] Enter the cottage

Leave the room

Return to the campus


- Go to the Main Building

- Go in front of the Boys' Dorm(W.C.)

- Go to the Boys' Dorm -] Go outside


- Go to the Main Building

- Go to Ishii Hall

- Go to the Cafeteria


- Go to Wood Field

- Go to the Anekohji mansion -] Enter the cottage

Leave the room

Go to the campus


- Go to the Main Building

- Go in front of the Boys' Dorm(W.C.)

- Go to the Boys' Dorm -] Go outside


- Go to the Main Building


The final showdown takes place now.


Day ?


Ranmaru blacks out after being shot again.


[highlight]First Scenario[/highlight]

"Fine, I'll leave." -] Ending with Haruka

"No, I won't leave." -] Ending with Azusa


[highlight]Second Scenario[/highlight]

"Fine, I'll leave." -] Ending with Sachiko

"No, I won't leave." -] Ending with Sachiko


[highlight]Third Scenario[/highlight]

"Fine, I'll leave." -] Ranmaru dies

"No, I won't leave." -] Ending with Azusa

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