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Insomnia induced ramble-random-blog like thing.

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Heya my fellow Eroge gamers, having a bit of Insomnia tonight(this morning at this point), and not really having anyone else to chat with or discussing some things that have been floating about in this odd balloon of grey matter I call a brain, I figure I'll write a bit here. Going to be very rambling, and probably with multiple random points that make little sense. So either skip it, or forgive me for what the lack of sleep makes me do.


So, I have been spending some of the night over on mangahere, looking at popular manga, and trying to find a couple new ones to read and enjoy. Nothing too serious mind you, my brain has been in vegetable mode for a while now. First I found this odd little gem called Onepunch-Man. A super hero and seinen twist on the typical superpower fantasy genre. It has a little bit of preachyness in the a fact of, you can be this strong just by simply training yourself and not giving up, Yada yada. However, the part that I really love is the sheer overpowered nature of the main character.


I've realized that I quite enjoy two types of main character. The ones who are stupidly strong to the point of either hiding their power causing hyjinks, or the ones who are so apathetic about everything, that when they do get serious it blows any opposition out of the water. Trigun, and even Naruto to some extent fall into the first category, while my favorite character in any of these media Mr Irresponsible Captain Tylor is a prime example of the second. The apathetic nature of both the MC in Clannad, and Shaman King also come to mind.


Aside from getting off topic slightly, like I knew I would, I finished up the 20 released chapters of onepunch, and wanted to find something more, thus I started reading Trinity Seven. This is a magic school harem anime, that seems pretty cliche in the likes of Negima, and some of the Demon King themes that several anime have had. But the thing I like here, is again the main character. He just seems so much more calm about things he knows he can't change, plenty of pervyness(It is an ecchi harem genre after all), and even a couple situations with girls wanting him to do H-stuff that he *gasp* reasonably turns down without blushing and acting like an idiot ala typical harem protagonists. It really is a rather refreshing idea. A harem guy who has a healthy sex drive, has interest in the girls around him, and a borderline apathetic nature that keeps him rather calm and composed in many situations.


This especially is touching when I've been struggling with how Rewrite's main character has such a strong sense of slapstick dumb and dumber style idiocy. It all just adds to a rather frustrating week. Been feeling a rather annoying sinus head cold, and the weather here has been in the single digits F. I made a resolution to walk for exercise each day this year, and haven't missed a single day yet. However, numb legs, freezing cheeks, and picking ice nuggets out of my mustache after a walking set have become routine. In other news, I started trying out a flash/facebook game called Wartune over on armor games. An MMORPG, with some strong sim build elements, sounds good in theory, but when you realize the game is more about begging you for money, and slamming down the limit chains if you don't it becomes old quick. Along with that I'm dealing with a depressive set of flame wars on my anime site over signature contests of all things.


Though, that's an interesting idea, I wonder how many people here would be interested in having an Ero Signature making contest. In the other site they post the winning signature on the front page as a reward.


The issue is however the style of the signatures and the tone of the community about it. 90% of the signatures submitted are using Photoshop cliches like lens flairs, and random artistic swirls over a themed render. I've tried making a number of signatures with different styles, and have only once come close to being complimented(on a F/SN signature of all things: http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r115/jdcarnahan/battlesigdone.png)


I also made my signature here of course. Lilly


[spoiler=Some examples of my other creations, made by fooling around in Gimp for fun:]









Not sure why I feel the need to seek recognition here of all places, I'm no graphic design expert, and each of these has little flaws to them that I see when I look back at them. But at the same time, I still feel a bit of pride at the results of my enjoying my time editing pictures and putting things together in interesting ways. I guess that's why the flame wars and trolls in the other community getting all up in my grill saying I don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to art, and how my honest opinion shouldn't have been said(I called their lens flare and CD4 overuse artistic vomit, and have explained it about 20 times over the past year I've been participating in that section of the forum).


Annnd now I realise I'm bringing a flame topic over here for people to argue about. >.


This long random topicness has been brought to you by insomina. Now in facial creme.


[spoiler=and this random video of hot dancing spanish chicks:]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFzyYYZsxGc

It's rather old, and I think they are dancing the macarena as cheesy as that is, but I don't really care. Hotness, with wiggling hips and skimpy clothing. Win. Same reason I ero-sensei it out when it comes to most of Shakira's music videos...

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well about art....there is no such thing as right or wrong art.....anything can be art.....


^ i heard this in an anime but i can't remember which one......


and about your sigs, they are pretty good ......i make my own sigs myself but my sigs suck......

i agree with you that lens flare is overly used


and about trigun's hero being a fucking pussy ... YOU ARE DAMN RIGHT! i can't say how much i hate vash or naruto ....include edward elric to that aswell


oh my favourite hero is ofc lelouch from code geass.......i like his...."sense of power" ;)

Edited by switch
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