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Bioshock Infinite

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Was anyone else who finished the game kinda disappointed in how it came to conclusion?


Personally I found it didn't really make logical sense considering

the whole infinite dimensions theme

and i actually managed to predict it halfway through the game.

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I finished it, and I understood the thing perfectly (yo do have to have a pretty fair amount of knowledge of the Multiverse setting).


And it did made logical sense.



Basically every choice you ever could have made exists in another universe. This is shown in detail during the ending when we see one universe where Booker refuses the baptism and another where he accepts it. This creates two different universes (One where he remais as Booker and the other where he is reborn as Comstock thus creating Columbia. When Elizabeth takes us to Rapture she describes it as a door, each of the stars in the sky are doors to another world. We then see a never ending string of towers stretching to the horizon each of them a different universe or as Elizabeth describes them “…Doors to everywhere.”


So basically to prevent all those branches, Elizabeth (Booker's daughter) kills Booker before the baptism preventing the branching point where Comstock is born, therefore Columbia never existed and timeline is restored.


And who is the Booker at the end after the credits? Or “Why is the Booker in the end game credits questioning if Anna is in the crib?” you may ask.


This question is a little tricky to answer because it is all interpretation. This booker could just be in a universe where nothing ever happened but that doesn’t really explain his questioning on whether or not Annabelle was in the crib. I think the best answer for this question is since the universes were corrected, the space time continuum was essentially reset bringing booker back to life before he sold his daughter.



So that's it, I'm dissapointed that most gamers tell the ending was bad just because is a little difficult to interpret. To me the ending was genious and the greatest mindfuck I had in a looong time. It deserves it's 10/10 scores it got in several sites.


If my explanation is not enough, you can go to this site where it's explained further.



Edited by Ryu
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never played it, but I did watch a video containing the ending -



and the only thing I was thinking of when Rapture showed up is "the devs kept insisting this was unrelated to BioShock, what a bunch of liars." Then again, can this connect the System Shock universe to BioShock? Not sure if that's good or bad, but if they make a new System Shock they're definitely going to fuck it up.


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Agree with you Ryu, ending and whole game is certainly awesome. There are only two things id like them to answer some more(unless i missed something). How/Why did Elizabeth got her powers. And about those scientists... why were they helping and what happened to them later(or even why they were alive). If you can answer those or point me to answer id be very gratefull.

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Agree with you Ryu, ending and whole game is certainly awesome. There are only two things id like them to answer some more(unless i missed something). How/Why did Elizabeth got her powers. And about those scientists... why were they helping and what happened to them later(or even why they were alive). If you can answer those or point me to answer id be very gratefull.





How/Why did Elizabeth get her powers


Remember seeing Elizabeth's pinky finger getting cut off from a tear during one of the later scenes? Well due to that event, she essentially existed in two universes at the same time. Her pinky finger in one, and the rest of her in another. Because of that, she gained those powers. Yup.



And about those scientists... why were they helping and what happened to them later (or even why they were alive).


So let's see... First of all, Rosalind Lutece found out about the existence of alternate universe and with that - Robert, the alternate male version of herself, in a different universe. Together they created a machine that could open tears into other universes (the machine was Comstock's idea btw). Comstock and Robert Lutece takes Anna (who becomes "Elizabeth" in Columbia) away from Booker - "Bring us the girl and wipe away the debt". Since Comstock became sterile from using this machine, he thought that he could take his own child from a different universe instead! And yes, this was the moment when Elizabeth gets her pinky cut off from the tear that they use.


Now, why did they help Booker? Well, from what I could hear in some of the voxophones, the Luteces figured that Elizabeth would eventually fulfill Comstock's prophecy - "The seed of the prophet shall sit the throne and drown in flames the mountains of man." (remember, the machine has the capability to show that future to them). Now that is a terrible thing indeed - which Robert realized but not Rosalind. So Robert gave Rosalind an ultimatum: Either they send Elizabeth back to her original universe, or Robert leaves Rosalind. Since Rosalind loves her brother (she loves herself? :rolleyes:), that became their plan. Comstock found out about this plan though and had Fink destroy their tear-opening machine, which was supposed to kill them... but that didn't exactly happen. Instead of dying, the Luteces both became something else, with the ability to travel freely between universes and whatnot.



Well this should explain some of what you're wondering at least.


Edited by Harlequin
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How/Why did Elizabeth get her powers


Remember seeing Elizabeth's pinky finger getting cut off from a tear during one of the later scenes? Well due to that event, she essentially existed in two universes at the same time. Her pinky finger in one, and the rest of her in another. Because of that, she gained those powers. Yup.



And about those scientists... why were they helping and what happened to them later (or even why they were alive).


So let's see... First of all, Rosalind Lutece found out about the existence of alternate universe and with that - Robert, the alternate male version of herself, in a different universe. Together they created a machine that could open tears into other universes (the machine was Comstock's idea btw). Comstock and Robert Lutece takes Anna (who becomes "Elizabeth" in Columbia) away from Booker - "Bring us the girl and wipe away the debt". Since Comstock became sterile from using this machine, he thought that he could take his own child from a different universe instead! And yes, this was the moment when Elizabeth gets her pinky cut off from the tear that they use.


Now, why did they help Booker? Well, from what I could hear in some of the voxophones, the Luteces figured that Elizabeth would eventually fulfill Comstock's prophecy - "The seed of the prophet shall sit the throne and drown in flames the mountains of man." (remember, the machine has the capability to show that future to them). Now that is a terrible thing indeed - which Robert realized but not Rosalind. So Robert gave Rosalind an ultimatum: Either they send Elizabeth back to her original universe, or Robert leaves Rosalind. Since Rosalind loves her brother (she loves herself? :rolleyes:), that became their plan. Comstock found out about this plan though and had Fink destroy their tear-opening machine, which was supposed to kill them... but that didn't exactly happen. Instead of dying, the Luteces both became something else, with the ability to travel freely between universes and whatnot.



Well this should explain some of what you're wondering at least.




That part about her being able to OPEN tears only because of finger is quite bullshit if you ask me. I already thought about that before but I find it too far stretched. As for scientists I didnt know that Robert did that. Thanks for help


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I finished it today as well. It was kinda shorter then expected, but it's a decent length I guess. The overall story was really good, nothing to complain about there. It was rather easy to understand, but some parts may be unclear if you didn't bother searching for voxophones.


I found some ameplay design decisions kinda strange. Like the 2 weapon limit and the inclusion of some really really lame vigors. All I ever used was the crows to stun everything on screen that wasn't immune to it and the electricity for patriots. Sometimes the water pull for some snipers. Rest of the vigors were kinda meh in my opinion. One other thing, the upgrades. They could have included some model changes to the weapons when you upgrade them, just adding some bigger numbers to the guns is boring. Previous Bioshock games had it, no idea why they excluded it from Infinite. I found myself being stuck with the old carbine and shotgun because some of the weapons found later on in the game seemed kinda weak in comparison. Not to mention that I would need to spend even more money to upgrade them and even then it's hard to tell if it's worth the hassle. The vigor upgrades were also kinda gimmicky, too much "mine use" upgrades. Lastly, the "boss" battles. Those were really boring and repetitive, especially after the 3rd time in a row (you know what I'm talking about).


With that said, those are kinda minor negative things opposite to everything that the game does right. The visuals are just insane, especially at the start of the game. Probably the best depth of field/bloom/SSAO usage I've seen so far in any game. The rail system is so damn nice, it turned out very well. While Infinite did lose the "creepy jump scare" feel, it gained Elizabeth and she is a really nice character. You can really see that they've put a lot of work in her development and she's definitely not some crap npc that you drag around just for the hell of it. There are a lot more things to say, but it's gonna turn into a wall of text. Overall it's a great game, those few gameplay design decisions are what's keeping it from being just pure epic in my opinion.

Edited by killerinsidee
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I finished it, and I understood the thing perfectly (yo do have to have a pretty fair amount of knowledge of the Multiverse setting).


And it did made logical sense.



Basically every choice you ever could have made exists in another universe. This is shown in detail during the ending when we see one universe where Booker refuses the baptism and another where he accepts it. This creates two different universes (One where he remais as Booker and the other where he is reborn as Comstock thus creating Columbia. When Elizabeth takes us to Rapture she describes it as a door, each of the stars in the sky are doors to another world. We then see a never ending string of towers stretching to the horizon each of them a different universe or as Elizabeth describes them “…Doors to everywhere.”


So basically to prevent all those branches, Elizabeth (Booker's daughter) kills Booker before the baptism preventing the branching point where Comstock is born, therefore Columbia never existed and timeline is restored.


And who is the Booker at the end after the credits? Or “Why is the Booker in the end game credits questioning if Anna is in the crib?” you may ask.


This question is a little tricky to answer because it is all interpretation. This booker could just be in a universe where nothing ever happened but that doesn’t really explain his questioning on whether or not Annabelle was in the crib. I think the best answer for this question is since the universes were corrected, the space time continuum was essentially reset bringing booker back to life before he sold his daughter.



So that's it, I'm dissapointed that most gamers tell the ending was bad just because is a little difficult to interpret. To me the ending was genious and the greatest mindfuck I had in a looong time. It deserves it's 10/10 scores it got in several sites.


If my explanation is not enough, you can go to this site where it's explained further.


BioShock Infinite ending: It’s all easy to explain, really - Games Per Second


Thats the thing though, i do understand multiverse and the whole

killing Booker before he made the choice to be baptized or not wouldn't actually work. Why? because of all the billions of other choices that exist before that choice. Like the choice he made to go to that river that day. In the theory of infinite universes, there would have been a Booker who decided not to go that day, but the next day or next week, to get baptized. Same effect different day.


Also there's the whole paradox of 'booker had Elizabeth after he rejected the baptism, so by killing Booker Elizabeth never existed, but if she doesn't exist she cannot go back in time to murder her own father'.



So really, i was kinda frustrated with the ending because if that's the case

killing the Booker we just spent hours getting to like was meaningless because there are other multiverses of him that would still exist to make that decision.



Its called Bioshock infinite for a reason.

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