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Error Problem from new game

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1. Okay first Game is Unhack : For some reason i always got error "the file version is not compatible". Is Unhack only for 64 bit (i use 32)

2. Second game Is Tokyo School Life : TSL.exe always appcrash. From the comment i guess the game is similar with neko para with moving character.


For info: My laptop for gaming is broken. So right now i use an old one. And yes Neko para work fine with my gaming laptop. I guess i need some program to play Tokyo School Life


Please help solve my problem guys

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The was some discussion about TSL crashing at the start, maybe it's related.

And, have you tried running Unhack in compatibility mode?, other than that i have no idea, it's unlikely a game like that would've been made for a x64 environment, and after a quick search i wasn't able to find anyone with the same problem.

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