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Posts posted by cerxer1

  1. It's strange that it hasn't come up yet, but my favorites are a tsundere ojousama (preferably older and big breasted) and a cool and collected sempai who is troubled because she likes a younger guy (can be other older women) and goes deredere for him later on.


    In general I like all tsundere heroines and I like lolis and osananajimi as well. There is a character which combines the best of both worlds (if you dont mind her being dere from the start) - Yoshino Sakura from Da Capo.

  2. One of the assholes I hate most is Soma from Eien no Aselia – Kono Daichi no Hate de (Akitsuki Shun being a close second).

    Following them in no specific order are: Xavier(Sengoku Rance), Chousen, Shinji, Matou Zouken, and any other character who raped or tried to rape a heroine(or side character female)

  3. random stuff:


    hoshi - star

    tayou - sun

    tsuki - moon

    okama - transvestite

    kii - tree

    morii - forest

    sora - sky

    umi - sea

    mizu - water

    kako - past

    mirai - future

    genzai - present

    tsuchi - earth/dirt

    saru - monkey

    yure - spirit

    hitto - person

    ningen - human

    tsumi - sin

    genkai - limit

    chi - blood

    niku - meat/flesh

    hada - skin

    kobushi - fist

    yubi - finger

    uso - lie

    gomi - trash/garbage

    kuzu - scum

    tora - tiger

    ryu - dragon

    ao - blue

    aka - red

    kuro - black

    shiro - white

    midori - green

    kilo - yellow

    hikari - light

    yami - darkness

    senshi - warrior

    heishi - soldier

    aruji - master

    jiro - juice

    ocha - tea

    amai - sweet/naive

    supai - sour

    shopai - salty

    nigai - bitter

    samui - cold

    atsui - hot

    gami - suffix for gods (ryugami - dragon god)

    onani - masturbation

    okane - money

    kumo - cloud

    kodomo - child

    kozo - kid

    gaki - brat

    ongaku - music

    fukai - deep

    ken - sword

    fuku - clothes

    chikara - power

    tsuyosa - strength

    kaizoku - pirate

    gomu - rubber

    omoi - heavy

    karui - light

    usagi - rabbit

    koori - ice

    honoo - fire

    tsubasa - wings

    megane - glasses

    kega - injury

    genjitsu - reality

    yasashi - kind/gentle

    wagamama - selfish

    ikari - rage

    seigi - justice

    akambo - baby

    koibito - lover

    oyome - bride

    shimpu - priest

    buki - weapon

    tate - shield

    kabe - wall

    kage - shadow

    omanko - p'''y

    hadaka - naked

    yasui - cheap

    kechi - stingy

    kanashi - sad

    schiawase - happy

    yorokonde - glad/-ly

    kinniku - muscle


    Well, thats everything that came to mind at the moment.

  4. I agree with Haika. But there are still times when I would like to talk to someone about a really funny scene in an eroge, or which character you like best (anyone from protagonist to side character). You know, to enjoy a good laugh. I admit it's a fleeting feeling, but it doesn't go away that easily.


    From what I wrote you must have figured it out, but I like to state the obvious so I'm gonna say it anyway: I do not have any friends whom I play eroge with (had to say concerning the main point of this thread)

  5. I'm starting this thread because I was really frustrated by quite a few endings in anime and manga. Like the times when it's obvious which girl the protag is gonna pick, for example Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi, or non conclusive or indecisive endings like in Tenchi Muyo!


    I really would like that the above anime would be made into eroge so I can chose who the protag ends up with, be it one, none, or all. I realize its just a fantasy, but every man (and occasional woman) needs his romance. In other words


    KOREWA OTOKO NO ROMAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    So fell free to post your wishes (which are corespondent to this thread - I want a toilet seat out of solid gold, but I'm not stupid enough to actually say that HA-HA-HA-HA! ........ OH CRAP!).

  6. On topic: That was a good story, cerxer1. As a fellow writer of long posts, I welcome you! It's interesting to hear peoples stories on how they got here. I wonder if all japanese entertainment and media leads to eroge in the end? Puzzling... :confused:


    Thanks for the welcome. I also believe that sooner or later any path you take, whether it be anime, manga, or Japan in general you will end up at eroge. There is no escape, and lets be honest, who the hell would want to escape ?


    P.S.: I'll be sending a friend request your way if you dont mind

  7. I entered eroge and VN through the anime The World God Only Knows. Keima was playing galge all the time so I thought id google galge. I came across a wikipedia entry entailing a lot of VN and eroge titles. I at first honestly thought that galge werent real. Imagine the joy and shock I felt when I found out that wasnt true. Well anyway, the first eroge I played was Cosplay Fetish Academy. I thought id be lame because I would only be reading text all the time and make an occasional decision but after 10 minutes I was completely sucked in. And the after another two eroges/VN I found out that a lot if anime are made after eroges. I immediately went to play Fate/Stay Night, Shuffle, TTT and so on. Before I knew it, I was drawn in to this beautiful, world mesmerized by the many wonderful translated VN. At some point I believe I became a seasoned eroge player (have been playing over 2 years). this realization dawned upon when I noticed was yelling, screaming and crying for the next translated eroge to come along.


    Well, thats all I wanted to say, sorry I draged on so much, but those were fond memories worth reminiscing and sharing with you fellow gamers. If you need any tips on which eroges to play (which type you prefer - nukige, story, dark, love) fell free to ask (this applies mostly for beginners).

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