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Everything posted by Danku

  1. Danku

    Knights of Xentar

    This was so fun back in the 'Shining Force' days!
  2. Danku

    Kingdom of Love

    See, we need a list to go by of censored or uncensored titles.
  3. Danku

    Jast USA Memorial Collection

    Alas, I played all three in the early 90's. lol They are worth the look if you haven't played them. The writing is highly arousing, which is good considering the 2D ancientness of the graphic's. But for its time these were the state of the art in e-hentai. Glad you included them in your list. It shows refined tastes and knowledge of the genre.
  4. Danku

    Idols Galore!

    Censored or uncensored genitalia?
  5. Danku

    Gang Rape Club

    Is it censored? I wish you'd separate the censored games from the uncensored ones so I'd know without wasting the time on DL's on broadband/wifi.
  6. Danku

    Toushin Toshi

    Do these games need an imulator?
  7. Danku

    Warrior Princess Asuka

    I love tentacles, rape, and sickness in a completely fictional cartoon setting where no one really actually suffers. Being able to interact virtually is a plus all around. Makes real life's monotony, that much more bearable.
  8. Danku

    Words Worth

    You're King, bro!
  9. If you're a guy, and never had a rape fantasy, you're likely too effeminate, so refrain from commentary on a topic/game obviously for 100% Viking style men. I would call you a latent homosexual, but even some queer men are rapists. You wussies...
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