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Everything posted by Vilah

  1. Sorry, I mean I close steam program then I can delete the steam_api.dll... I look up my anti-virus and I find Manage Exceptions and I add steam_api.dll to list, and it stop pop up. thanks for help
  2. yep, Your right, its work not let steam run, i can delete it or move it. But my anti-virus (Bit defender) keep pop up that steam_api.dll is a Infected and I have restored it every time I play game, It really annoyed..
  3. Do you guys have problem with the steam_api.dll? Because I can't delete or move it...
  4. Vilah


    Can someone tell me how to install +18 in this game? I did but I keep get error every time I enter system option in game. Here link to picture of error that I get - Trinoline error — imgbb.com
  5. Thanks for it, Zero Dilemma...
  6. I request this one too.
  7. Vilah

    Fureraba ~Friend to Lover~

    Anyone know where save file are?
  8. Check it out - TeamNutaku comments on Once again, nutaku cut (trap) content and applied censorship on Tenioha! without warning *do not buy*
  9. Vilah

    Fuju hime

    Do you know where is Robecca first page is? I have find yellow one in third stage (place where you fight boss) ruin and seal her but no cg. Maybe I missing something or what?
  10. Vilah

    My Little Kitties

    Hi, How to change the setting to window mode? Thanks
  11. Vilah

    D.S. -Dal Segno-

    Thanks for upload...
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