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Everything posted by Revvo

  1. Revvo

    Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai

    got it installed properly in the font folder, nothing changes :/ guess i just have to play it like this. can't be worse than reading through the tricolour lovestory translation, and i almost read every word of that.
  2. Revvo

    Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai

    app local / local emulator works fine for me
  3. Revvo

    Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai

    come on man, don't leave me hanging! how?
  4. Revvo

    Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai

    thanks, but sadly it didn't do the trick for me :/ Text is still mashed together.
  5. school days was a lot more bitter than sweet though , but yeah i've read that. What is Shbihibi? Can't find anything by that name. yume miru kusuri was one of my examples for what i'm looking for, absolutely love that game! Didn't really like Grisaia, main char never felt attached to any of the girls and thus the romance part felt rather forced.
  6. Thanks for the recommendations, will check them out. Mhh a few of those ring a bell. Ah yeah Sharin no Kuni is one i wanted to play but sadly i never got it to run, seems immune to applocal on my mashine, maybe i have to acctually change the language setting for this one.. Shiny days, from the team that made school days huh? I liked school days for what it was (in my eyes a very well done satire of what would happen if the indecisive hero and the harem scenario would be transported into the real world), not sure if i need to play similar game though... Is this one ... as.. mhh insane?
  7. As said, something real and well written. Not this usual highschool tiptoeing around your classmates with unnecessary drama to make you realize you truly love them so you can confess while she cries and asks "are you really ok with me?" (guess that already excludes almost 75% of all vns). Something with a good story, authentic character interaction, believable romance, if drama than real and relatable drama, a protagonist that doesn't realize the advances of every female lead... or at least one these points. Any game goes as long as it fulfills some of these points.
  8. Hey everybody, just played some of the newly translated SakuSaku game and found myself very bored by it. I’m getting annoyed by this same old vanilla routine, where from sec 1 it's obvious everyone is super into the main char and it’s just how the protagonists needs to realize who he wants to get with, where sexual tension only enters the picture when there has been a.) a drama beforehand and b.) a big confession of feelings with lots of tears. A kiss never just happens, it needs to follow the script. The drama is never really serious it’s always just some stupid misunderstanding. There i
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