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Posts posted by jasonthe13

  1. According to 4chan, this saturday Rance translators are going to release translation of Widenyo. It's Mamanyonyo (Mamanyonyo) remake which can be found in Alice 2010. This game suppose to be endless so it should be kinda helpful for bored guys like me who are waiting for next releases.


    My 1st post here! I'm amazed that I did that:p


    the game looks realy fun

  2. Rance "secret" project is 5d 100% sure. they're not even bothering to hide it on 4chan anymore. Apparently they expect it to be done in a couple weeks with 6 being done before the year is out, they will then move onto quest. 3 has a separate translator who is only working in conjunction with them to shore up consistency they expect 3 to be done within the year as well.


    As for Aroduc I'm just about pulling my hair out at this point. I have given up and only hope that the game is not Duel Savior as many seem to think, that is the only game people have alleged to be the secret project I think I may be disappointed with. Do you guys know anything about it, am I worrying for nothing?



    i cant wait for rance games i LOVE IT

  3. SPOILERS from ligh novel chapter 16 in anime is episode 10



    lol i wish they added the sex scenes for episode 10.......since chapter 16.5.......they...lol....fuck each other crazy




  4. http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/408262_346625498759383_744904075_n.jpg


    Just a few minutes ago the official site updated and officially dismissed all the rumors about the second season and is now official. However, something that surely got our attention is the message "The Second Phase will tell the whole history in a fashionable way". Somehow that means that the second season may go directly to the end and if that happens what worries us here is how they are pretending to do it since the first season just got 2 out of 13 volumes released so far.


    * Note: While they claim that they will tell the whole history. That may be opened to interpretation since they may be stating that all the volumes will be animated.



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