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Everything posted by NoOneInParticular

  1. Thanks for the link but no that's not it. It was not in flash and had an english transaltion (I'm not sure if it was a fan translation or not). It may have had flash as an origin, but I'm fairly certain it was a custom engine rather than in a flash player. The gameplay was also nearly cryptic in that there was very little dialog and it mostly just went from scene to scene. You often had to literally wait and do nothing while the girl got bored enough to start something. Other times you needed read her face to know when it was ok to touch or start a new sequence (like moving her shirt, etc)
  2. I hate to make one of these threads but I'm going slightly mad looking for a game I lost in a drive failure a long time ago and I was wondering if anyone else knew the name or even better how to find it again. It was a "touching" game more than a VN where you were stuck in a apartment with your cousin (the only other char, dark hair) and you had to slowly seduce her through various scenes until she essentialy becomes open for anything. Scenes included in the living room in front of a TV and with her standing in a school bathing suit. I'm fairly certain I aquired it around 2012/2013 (unsu
  3. NoOneInParticular

    Deep in a Thicket

    The file is there, but the link is messed up. Change the end URL to /[shii]_Awatake_-_Deep_in_a_Thicket.zip
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