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Posts posted by Otamegane

  1. Yeah, there's images that were replaced entirely as an April fools joke. Meaning instead of your typical censored H-graphics, you instead get a picture of some Dolphins. Deleting the folder just removes those images so you get the original sex images as you're meant to. I think the latest update to the patch fixes it as well.


    Iirc, it wasn't a prank, it was a censor they put because of australian laws or something like that

  2. Now onto playing the additional "The Answer" chapter, Breakthrough.


    Oh, and it's permanently locked on hard. Have fun. :]

    Oh never had the chance to play that, had the first p3


    MC is a new transfer student in this rich people academy. He is a normal silent boy (as like other p characters) with glasses and yellow hair. He is in his first day of class when there's a rumor about a crazy maniac with unknown face and the mistery of the deads of the people of the city by a serial murderer. It is said that every murder is done unknown weapons that are said to consume the victim's life. He then meets a member of the newspaper club that overheard the conversation and started to get excited about this new kind of report. He is known as Ryuji Nagase and has the fame of always posting bad and boring stories on the newspaper. He then asks help to the protagonist to do some research at night about this saying that they will be known trhough all the school for this fantastic news. The protagonists accepts (as obvious) and they agree too meet at night. When they meet at night going around random places, they get bored and go to their homes. In his way to the house, the mc spots a suspicious guy holding some swords on the street. He hides and follows him to a narrow street and he sees it. The guy is emanating some weird black creatures from his weapons and they creatures start sorrounding the group of people. Suddenly when the protagonists makes a step back, he makes a sound, and the guy spots him right away. Knowing nothing of what to do, he decides to make a run for it and the guy starts chasing him with the creatures behind (the people are save) the mc runs into a dead eend an just about everything was about to end he starts hearing some faint voices in his mind.. He could not understand this, he was feeling numb. But thenanother person appears, but this time, is a girl. The girl then erradicates the creatures, pushes the mysterious character and makes a run for it with the protagonist. They reach a large building and enter there up to the 13th floor. They enter an apartment and without wasting any time, she starts speaking. She introduces herself as Ichinose Rei, and says she has an special power (that she does not reaveals to him) too fight those creatures, that she called shadows. She explains that that guy they saw is the one who summons the shadows, and has been killing some people since. She had managed to save some people, but since the guy attacks are at very unusual periods of times, she has not managed to fight him. She then says that he should not tell anyone about this, and urges him to never get out at night never again.


    The next day he meets Ryuji again in the school gates and he asked him if something happened on his way back because the news announced that a group of people almost died by the hands of the serial murderer. He remembers the girl telling "DO NOT tell anyone" and tells Ryuji that nothing happened. A normal day of class passes and Ryuji wants the protagonist to acompany him to the place where the people were going to be killed. Having to ignore the girl warning, they set out again at night to that place.. When they met where they said, Ryuji handed MC a pair oof katanas "just in case", and he loaded a gun and said "hey its self defense ;)" (seriusly these people getting weapons is just hilarious) When they were just arriving they see two figures up ahead. Mc notices that one is the guy with the shadows and thee other is.. Rei! Rei is fighting the other guy and is in a pinch. Ryuji makes same sound of the protagonist last time (what a repetitive way of getting noticed ._.)

    and get noticed again.. For a weird reason, the guy just chased for the mc again (._. So sad) but Rei went to attack the man again and got smacked in the head. Just about rei was going to be done for by the minions of the guy, it happens again. The voice is calling, but louder this time, calling if he needed his power. The protagonist, without a second of thought just affirmed and he started to have a red glow.. Then the protagonist felt a surge of power flowing from him and a battle ensues. You start with a new Persona wich name is Vega. Vega has bufu skills, and coincidentially the shadows (which name/type/form haven thought of yet) are weak to it, so you start kicking their ass. When the battle ends, the guy decides to leave and dissapears. Ryuji starts talking that the protagonist was awesome and praising hime, while. MC tends a hand to Rei. Rei thanks him and explains what he just got was a Persona (..long explanation of what is this thing) and then she says that he should be more careful because this guy tends to attack the people with this sort of power, wich is why she always gets to see him because she has a Persona too.




    Wrote this in my classroom one day as a new story for a persona game. I was very obsesed with persona at the time so i kinda wanted to make a story, is very simple made, still needs to be completed and has too much similarities but well here it is

  4. I have a problem i have done everything that is wirite in the instructions respect to the censorship, i have erase the graphic_vis folder, created the empy file, downloaded the fixed .exe . damm i even erase my save files and started the game again and even so i have still censorship!!!!!!!!!! helllllllpppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!

    i have a 32 bites win 7, so is no the i don now wath hidden folder

    If you are reffering about censoring of female and male sex organs then its not an error, the game came with that.

  5. It will be 1 for now. It's gonna be bundled with vol.18 of the manga. It's the same how Kiss x Sis OVAs get released.

    Nice o.o.. Last volume of manga had a promotional pen with the shape of haqua's scythe.. Man I would love to buy those thingss D:

  6. This very misleading :p...heh...hehheheh.....

    Anyways, a lot of OVA's tend to just rush things, so 1 episode maybe.


    I didn't want to spoil the peoplo who haven't read the manga hehee.

    Or it can be 1 ova with like 40 mins, but I'm sure that it will be awesome anyways

  7. Just noticed this thread o.o a bit too late if you say to me but still im a new one around here


    hajimemashite, I call myself Otamegane since I am an otaku and i use glasses always (stolen from twogk but dunow its cool). i'm from Panama B) , my real name is.. Let's just say is DD (first&last name).. I like playing all sort of games (except rts) and I'm a starter in the visual novel gaming. never actually had the chance until I found this page. I've played Shuffle, hoshimemeo, my girlfriend is the president and starting majikoi. Oh and hey I'm 17 years old soo yoroshiku onegai shimasu n.n

    (side note: tsuntsundere lover)

  8. iirc it's main chars gear, social link key items, and equipment not on the other party members, as well as money and the persona compendium


    Oh well I knew about the compendium and the unlocked fusions, but it does make sense what you say

  9. the key items are what is required to fuse the ultimate form of each of the arcana's and carry over to the subsequent playthroughs so you can always fuse the persona in question


    I thought you only recover your equipment for the mc in the next playtrough (ando somo other items) but no items..

  10. What are the SLink items for?I have gotten a few now and I can't find out were they are stored.Do they do anything?If I get all of them can I make a wish to bring Gokue back for the spirit world?


    For a game that I payed $10 for its great.

    They don't have any particular use, they are just items to show that you maxed the link. They are in the key items I think.

  11. on the first play through it is almost impossible to get all the social links maxed. That said even following a social link guide you have very little time left over for completing them on a second play through. I think i managed it with maybe 2 days left.


    It isnt actually like that, but yeah it is kinda impossible. To actually max them, you should follow strictly a guide because the exact perfection from it. I never actually maxed much social links in p3 first playtrough and still enjoyed the game..

  12. thanks u all. but why some people very2 like this character haruhi suzumiya?


    I could say its because she's so weird people like it. I personally like weird characters, and I find her cute too, but I don't know if what I think is the same for others

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