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Everything posted by Crazyboy

  1. Hopefully, it will stay just a story.
  2. Koiken Otome translation is finally completed, now we just need to wait a few days before(SP announce an official release) the patch is released.
  3. No one was speaking about Moonstone though O.O Putting that aside this is good new, but do this mean they have ditched Mangagamer?
  4. Here's the situation with Koiken Otome Our current status | Flying Pantsu As for Grisaia i have no idea.
  5. Oh, i had no idea about that... I guess hoping for a patch now is just a waste of times... I really would like to believe him, but everything sound so much like someone stalling for times...
  6. January 11, 2016 1.The game is finished. It is both translated and edited, however there is plenty more to take care of. This is my first game and I really want to make something I can be proud of. As such, I plan to run through the entire game again to make sure this is really ready to go. In addition, I still need to edit the menu and make a lot of minor adjustments. aka: I'm trying hard to contact a publisher for my translation and only if i have no other choice will i release the patch.
  7. It basically have been ~0.5% progress per month for the last year... I wouldn't be surprised at all if they were going slow like that because they are hoping someone would contact them for an official release.
  8. I really hope it's the case, but i saw how slow they are and i think it's more likely that we won't get the patch before next year and it will probably will be late next year.
  9. Well, they have trolled us for years, so maybe for a change they decided to be serious on the day everyone else troll each others.
  10. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the case, but it's also possible that they have started to work on the translation as soon as they were able to localize it. After all only idiots wouldn't have been able to predict a kickstarter for Muv Luv would have been a success.
  11. Yes, with how slow they are, i'm not expecting the patch this year. Well, as long as they don't suddenly announce an official release, they can take all the times they want imo.
  12. The patch was finished, but then they said screw all of you who was waiting patiently for the patch and wait many more months for the official release. Well, they didn't say it in those word, but it's close enough.
  13. Did they license any of the VN from last year survey? I mean by Mangagamer and not some other compagny.
  14. It get updated quite opten, but the update are so small that a snail probably would be faster...
  15. I would agree with you if Little busters was originally 18+, but since it's was originally all-ages and than 18+ scene added in later version, i don't think there's anything wrong with it.
  16. Fuck them, announcing that when they were so close to finish... i already bought the japanese version for the patch and now they say that -_- I'm not gonna support them and pirate little busters when it's released and i will also cancel my pre-order of Eiyuu Seaki too, i will buy a used copy when i will be able to find one...
  17. I think they are still going at it, but slowly.
  18. JUst click on the game name in the new project announced section in the main post.
  19. Anyone was able to download the patch? For me the pages don't even load or when it load it say quota exceeded and i have been trying for a few hours now.
  20. It's pretty bad, i tried it for about 10 minutes and quit.
  21. Iinazuke wa Imouto-sama! complete patch released. Imouto Translations | Now we're getting somewhere.
  22. It's depend if it's our days or jast days. Jast use a calendar from another planet that one day is longer than our whole year.
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