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Download Comments posted by phantasm

  1. That's the only thing I'm good at. As for kanade, I never liked her.


    What VN is Kanade from ?


    Yeah, we're talking about sengoku rance! Right?

    Let me off-topic one more time.

  2. http://imageshack.us/a/img207/4425/thankme.jpg


    Ha Ha,You are really skilled at posting comment by using VN screenshot.

    It hits my heart.(don't take it wrong way okay:) )

  3. Hmh, IMO there are no main heroines in Sengoku Rance. But you can "clear" more than 32 female characters. :p



    My top 5 goes like this. Uesugi Kenshin>Yamamoto Isoroku>Senhime>Natori>Uruza Planeis


    That is what i want to know.Thank.

  4. i guess 3?





    Hey,are u kidding me ?

    The tag in VNDB said "more than seven heroines"

    I search in VNDB but since rance has prequels and sequel,I can't determine which are main heroines for sengoku and which are for other series(I search sengoku rance and rance quest and found that all heroines data are exactly the same)

    That is why i am asking here.

  5. ahhh..i see you finish the bestie's route XD

    well...majikoi was more bout Kazama Family~

    dont you think agave route have a nice twist??


    Yes.I think so.As expected from a true route.

    IMO,agave>momoyo>miyako>kazuko>chris>yukie (in terms of route)

    chris>kazuko>chika>miyako>yukie>momoyo ( in terms of characters)

  6. Best thing you can do is just check it out yourself :p


    First,thank you for your help

    My internet costs money for every minute i use and i have poor connection (dl speed is 40~50 kbs). So i don't want to download unless i am sure.

    Anyone that can help me rate this VN by writing a short review will be very much appreciated.

  7. Well, I haven't played this game yet, but I can tell you it's not exactly going to be like ever17. It's made by the same developer and probably has some of the same themes, but the plot is completely different. Heard it doesn't have as many epic twists like ever17 did, but you should still check it out if you like the mystery setting. Heard it was your typical slice of life/romance until the end.


    It is natural that plot is different. But from its description-


    "You play as Makoto, a student who never attends the lectures at the school. As a punishment, you have to attend an extra seminar on an island with other classmates. However, when you arrive on the island, strange thing start happening. A girl is found dead on April 6th, with a small bell in her hand. Immediately after that, you found yourself in the bed and see the date - April 1st! Was the vision of the girl just a dream, or do you possess a power to predict events? This is what you will have to find out, as a series of strange deaths make your seminar much more suspenseful that you have thought."


    I thought that this is not a typical slice of life and give a similar atmosphere as ever17 ,do I wrong ?

  8. not dumb, just hoping for an ultimate romance to the end, so the insulting was kind of harsh and unnecessary, sorry for having to say that in protest though since you guys are always helping. Romance is justice, cute is justice. xP


    On the other hand, does Chris have no After story??? t...this can't be happening desuu~~ T.T


    Don't worry.You can still play Chris in majikoi S.

  9. 23 bad endings, :p this is just crazy


    most bad endings are easy to avoid(some are just so obvious and other can be easily reload since u die the instant u choose the wrong choice)

    The main problem lies in choice problems,they are just so tricky.(especially the one,which u have to go through a numbers of rooms in a specific order)

    Just save everything u see a choice and u will be fine

  10. But where can ei download the new translation files for MajiKoi and MajiKoi S in the future?

    What does it mean Trial version though, how is it different from Complete version?

    It is the same way to apply translation files to MajiKoi S right? (same way=according to video)


    Thank those of you who gave epic awesome answers again, this is an awesome place. I have no worries with you guys around~ >w


    You can find the newest translation patch in this site,or download it from their official site,majikoi and majikoi S.


    Just check this page periodically and you will know when there is an update.

  11. This game is fully animated. It same like you play other vn but with moving animated.


    Story: All scenes fully animated, Ero scenes: All scenes fully animated


    Thank a lot

  12. No.



    You'll find a lot of visual novels where the characters don't say stuff like "Oh yeah phantasm, fuck me harder~!" but this isn't an indicator for romance, at least in my opinion. Just imagine a sex scene feat rance where he doesn't use any dirty words...not romantic isn't it?



    Since when is anal abnormal? Well that's probably just me being perverted.



    Again, usual stuff when we're talking about slice of life visual novels.



    I'm not a pro nor did I read many good h's.



    Whatever, it's just my opinion. It's always good if you're able to enjoy the h's because most of them are annoying.


    okay i agreed with u .let's finish this talk.

  13. Does this VN's game-play differ from other VN ? i look this VN at VNDB and found that some people are talking about this game being animated and when i look at screenshot,i found that this VN look more like an anime than a proper VN.

    I am so confused.What does it mean?Does it mean it have an anime version or this game is fully animated ?

  14. Are you kidding me?



    ^Where is this romantic?!


    I mean the interaction between two people during sex scene is very romantic.

    Read their interactions.They don't say nasty thing.They don't do abnormal sex position(like anal sex) .The protagonist care for the heroine during sex

    But since you are a pro,maybe u know VN with more romantic sex.

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