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Posts posted by Avenger

  1. The fuck is with all these easy questions? A newbie could solve them.

    What does ulti say -> look at archive

    Who is ILT -> look at member list by posts

    The one about me is less obvious, but still relatively guessable. Nobody wants to say the real answer B though. Everybody secretly is in love with me, and is just too tsuntsun to let other people know.


    >No questions about slasherturtle or superBomb

    >No questions about the blogs

    >etc, etc

  2. Ivan tries to upload all English (translated) releases, and many with only partial patches (that we're sure will be finished), along with a few OELVNs

    Sometimes, games aren't uploaded or cracked for a while, so even if they're released they might not be uploaded here.

    Other games, especially older ones, aren't up here because nobody has bothered finding a link for them. If you find a link to a game that we don't have, please PM Ivan with it.


    if you take a look at vndb, you'll see how few VNs are actually translated. Thankfully VNs are becoming a much bigger thing, so we expect to see quite a few more titles. That will be years in the future though.

  3. Of course, those videos only show Yes -> No rigging.

    Therefore, only Yes -> No rigging happened.


    A stack of votes on a table with "NO" stuck to it? Means nothing

    They could have been put there for a variety of purposes - an unused table that they needed for "YES" votes, or just to hold bundles of notes for counting


    Also funny how the channel up loaders seem to have more than a couple of links (i.e., videos, links to videos) about conspiracy-theory type stuff. Do they also take a video of flashing lights in the sky and claim that aliens exist? (There are perfectly reasonable explanations for flashing lights, just as all shown behaviour in the videos had perfectly reasonable explanations)

  4. While it's true that:

    1. Every person has a right to an opinion (on a side note: an opinion derived from objective fact, not mass-media sensationalism, bigotry, etc.)

    2. A second person finding the first person's opinion offensive does not negate the first person's right to have their opinion.


    It's also, most importantly, true that:

    3. No body has the right to deliberately express their opinion in the hearing of those who find that opinion offensive for the sole purpose of offending those people and no other reason.

    4. Calling somebody an insulting name for the sole purpose of being insulting after being (POLITELY) asked to stop (MULTIPLE TIMES) has nothing to do with having an opinion so Stephan Fry's quote (the speaker in the picture for those who don't realize who I'm talking about) has nothing to do with this. Your argument is specious.


    Good thing rights don't actually exist then (except as a social construct)


    1. True, and part in brackets False. There is no difference between the two groups. Nothing is objective fact. Besides, human beings are inherently biased towards certain groups, and inherently a social being who forms thoughts based on experiences - including that of "mass-media sensationalism" - how can something which is biologically part of us not be a "right"?

    Even if that was true, you are being bigoted against those who think they have the right to an opinion derived from, as you so elegently put it, "mass-media sensationalism, bigotry, etc". By your own definition, your opinion is False


    2. True


    3. Right to Free Speech (or Right to Freedom of Speech) is a thing in several countries. Everyone has a right to voice their opinion. Otherwise, you should never have started this thread - which is just a thinly disguised opinion designed to discredit (and offend) a certain forum member


    4. It is your opinion that you're being insulted only for that sake. You are offended by them insulting you. That's fine. What if they're offended by you being offended by their actions, and are polite enough to not bring it up? Should you now stop being offended?

    What if I'm offended that there is pointless bickering on a forum which is supposed to be about eroge, and related matters? Should you both now stop?


    At any rate, I can render all of this irrelevant by telling you about two functions of the forums: 1. /ignore in shoutbox, so you don't see their shouts, and 2. The Ignore List (see settings, or click on someone's name and select option to add) which hides their posts and PMs


    I'm trying not to take a side, merely pointing out flaws in your argument - by that I mean that they, in my opinion, are flaws, which is really all anyone can talk about.



    This is quite fun. We should start a daily thread where people can just complain about things.

  5. While it's true that:

    1. It's polite to stop doing something that you know someone finds offensive.

    2. It's not polite to do that thing for the sake of offending that person

    3. It's not always reasonable to be polite in this way (ie, if the thing is helpful or necessary to the person)


    It's also, most importantly, true that:

    4. Being polite means shit

    5. Finding something offensive means shit.




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