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Posts posted by Dragondraco

  1. Hmmm I thought that Shield 9 game got dropped awhile back. The partial they released had quite a few errors but it was somewhat interesting. Nice to see someone is picking it up again. Though I'm not going to hold my breath.


    I'm really happy to see someone translating another Eushully game. I'm a huge fan of gameplay VNs and I hope it goes somewhere.

  2. Figured I'd bump this topic since it's the most relevant. With the new english patch out for Kichikuou Rance I figured I'd enjoy replaying it without straining myself with my bad Japanese. I decided to fire up cheat engine since I wanted to edit the money amounts and it's like the one value I can't find for anything. It may be a long shot but has anyone else had any luck with it either with cheat engine or another program?

  3. The project he mentioned is his own project not one of the ones he's doing with JAST. He said it's a small game and he only has about 5% left on it (though he mentioned that 5% is the hardest part).


    Whatever it is he really didn't leave any real clues about it beyond that. Other than the fact that it's a title with gameplay in it. But then all the stuff he does has gameplay so *shrug*.


    Tenka Seiha » Things and Stuff and Junk and Whatnot » Blog Archive

  4. Iinazuke wa Imouto-sama! has been ongoing for a bit now. I had a chance to look at the partial patch that was released. I appreciate their time and effort but unfortunately the quality is very low. It badly needs a competent editor. Hopefully things will improve before the final patch is released.

  5. Nah as soon as it drew attention to VNs in general it'd also draw attention to the loli, insest, rape and many other things in alot VNs. Mind I'm not being judgmental here. Personally I say to each his own as far as what you enjoy in a storyline but you know most folks wouldn't hold that viewpoint. For the most part people outside of Japan just don't get it when it comes to VNs. Only a very small percentage do. An example....I can never get my friends to understand them. They just ask me why I waste so much time on a porn story when I could just look up quicker and better porn online lol.

  6. Personally I won't read machine translations because when it's that bad it totally breaks my immersion reading a NV. However if even a few people appreciate the effort then why complain in the long run? Even if you don't like it personally someone still put time and effort into doing it and them doing so has taken absolutely nothing away from you. I really don't understand the sense of entitlement some people have toward what it essentially a free product. My first thought when I see some folks going on about how terrible some things are is that they need to take a step back and rethink some of their priorities and values.


    Now granted if it's a product that your expected to pay for that's a whole different thing. Edelweiss's original translation being a good example.

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