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Posts posted by Dragondraco

  1. I can't imagine MG will let the Magical Marriage translation go through. They have already translated a few Moonstone titles so they clearly have a good relationship with them.


    Maybe it'll cause them to take up that title sooner than they planned though which given that it's not a Nukige is a plus in my book.

  2. It may be a stretch but if anyone has a 100% save from Muv-Luv (extra and unlimited not alternative) I'd be very grateful if you could toss it up. I played and cleared the game a few years back when it came out but my 100% save died in a hard drive crash about a year ago.


    I'm frustrated by the fact that this game doesn't have a skip all function and only has a skip read one.=/

  3. Hmmm I'd have to say the school days MC was worse in my opinion. Sawada Yusuke was an absolute wuss and he was such a wuss I had to drop that VN part way through because I couldn't stand him but at least he wasn't a compete and total asshole like Makoto. I felt sorry for Yusuke kinda (even if I couldn't stand him) but Makoto pissed me off.

  4. I haven't found a solution. It happens to me too from time to time. I did however find that trying to close the game and just canceling out the confirm box that pops up a couple of times normally gets it to carry through.


    Still it's very annoying though

  5. You know it never ceases to amaze me how many translator's hard drives crash. It's like the very act of translating a VN must put some kind of unbelievable pressure on hard drives. Despite that rash of hard drive fails they never seem to have backups either or if they do it's a really old backup and they lose months of work. Maybe we should start a hard drives for translators charity.


    Ok yes I'm being slightly sarcastic.;)

  6. The Moenovel translation isn't half bad actually. The restoration translation however reminds me of Edelweiss before MG fixed it. Well actually not quite that bad but it's close to being that bad. Either it was done by someone who wasn't a native english speaker or it's a machine translation that someone tried to clean up. Thankfully I've really only run into it mainly during the H scenes and really they are such a small part of the story that it's not a big deal. I admit reading them is extremely amusing though.

  7. Sorry it took so long to get back to this. Had to make a trip out of town. Anyhow I figured out the .dll bit. Not the first time I had to add a .dll file to get something to work. The issue was with the ww98patch. Unzip everything BUT the WWBASE.EXE file in it. If you overwrite the one in the folder with it that's when it starts throwing up an error. As long as I left that file alone it played alright. Course the translation isn't to hot but meh.


    Anyhow just thought I'd post this up in case anyone else runs into this issue.

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