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Uchiha Hikari

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Posts posted by Uchiha Hikari

  1. I'd say characters in Crescendo are a little less charismatic than in Clannad. And they focus more on the "high school nostalgia" in the first than in the latter. Since I had just finished high school myself by that time, I loved Crescendo. But I still enjoyed Clannad more (until the part I played, at least).


    Yeah , Clannad makes you fall in love with the characters tho (anime) so when you play the VN you already feel connected with them, well thats how it went down for me.






    There's alot of choices but she sticks out on top of them, you try so hard to get her to open up to you and yet still. (Tsgumi)






    Runner up, haven't en counted such a strange character before. (nekoko)

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